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Disciplinary Mapping. First part: Mapping your discipline.

Essay Instructions:

This task aims to assist you to reflect upon your discipline and upon the contribution that you can give to an interdisciplinary project on the basis of your disciplinary knowledge.

*ALL the relevant readings are highly recommended

*Include at least 4 references.

*Follow Criterion

My disciplines are

1. Japanese Studies

(Demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively in the Japanese language in a wide range of contexts.

Demonstrate an ability to analyze a variety of cultural practices in Japanese society.

Demonstrate the ability to work collaboratively and openly in intercultural and interdisciplinary settings to achieve high-quality results.)

2. Business analytics

( Utilise and identify limitations of various analytical and statistical tools and techniques in analysing business data.

Apply business knowledge from various disciplines to enable effective analyses of business data and to inform and improve decision-making for project management.

Program by using contemporary software and applying appropriate business analytics knowledge and techniques.

Predict the future behavior of relevant business variables using various business analytics techniques.)

Based on the above brief intro, you can choose either one of the discipline to apply.

Write strictly according to the TASK_INFORMATION file

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Disciplinary Mapping
Course Instructor Date
First part: Mapping your discipline
The Japanese studies discipline is an academic discipline on Japanese experiences, history, issues, beliefs, culture, identities, contributions, and policies relevant to the Japanese and Japanese diaspora. The discipline uses interdisciplinary analytical tools as often there are comparative studies, while there is an emphasis on intercultural and interdisciplinary efforts to enhance collaboration. An interdisciplinary perspective allows integrating different disciplinary insights to provide context and broad-based knowledge (Menken et al., 2019). Even social sciences such as psychology integrate data analysis. However, interdisciplinary researchers are exposed to different training methods and approaches (Tobi & Kampen, 2018). Ideally, learners should also prioritize respecting the diversity and plurality of ideas, people, cultures, beliefs, and contexts.
Students and scholars are expected to understand cultural practices in Japanese society to be able to communicate in diverse Japanese contexts and settings. Additionally, there is an emphasis on developing critical thinking skills and knowing how to communicate effectively in one's first language and the Japanese language. One must also demonstrate the skills to access, use and evaluate primary and secondary sources when researching Japan and issues affecting the Japanese. There is training on excellence in interdisciplinary settings focused on meeting the national, international labor market demands in a more globalized world.
Japanese studies are a qualitative approach that emphasizes applying knowledge about cultural contexts in a wide range of professional seeing and developing communication competencies. It is expected that learners generate innovative research and professional work that is based on different perspectives where various options are evaluated (Puyod & Charoensukmongkol, 2019). The ethnographic framework is one of the common qualitative research methods for studying the experiences of cultural groups holistically. Often those with a background in Japanese studies work in international, multilingual, and multicultural contexts and have cultural competency skills that allow one to be effective.
Knowledge about various aspects of the Japanese culture, language, economic, and social context is essential to improve sociocultural knowledge. This is necessary as there is critical thinking skills gained to provide solutions to the problem. There is a strong focus on applying interdisciplinary perspectives to academic research and practice. Through cultural competence as students are exposed to different methodologies beyond the Eurocentric approaches and methodologies, which help improve knowledge acquisition. There are different communications and digital literacy skills transferable in the workplace and other disciplines in a world where students are expected to develop multicultural competence (Choi & Kim, 2018). Disciplinary knowledge improves skills and awareness on how to interact effectively with other people in cross-cultural encounters. There are opportunities to gain in-depth knowledge of Japanese society and cross-cultural communication.
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