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Impact of Segregation to Sports

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Topic is should sports be segregated

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Should Sports Be Segregated
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People are aware that sports are categorized into different types, such as soccer, volleyball, basketball, or football. Interestingly, it is also evident in society that sports are also categorized by gender, where some sports are secluded only for men and vice versa. Dworkin & Messner (2002) supported the idea and added that sports had been another world of perennial feminism where they question women's embodiment, power, and identity. Gender segregation in sports encourages women’s inferiority and physical femininity, which should not be the case. Sport segregation should be reconsidered, and women playing men's sport (vice versa) should slowly be normalized.
Inequalities in the field of sports through gender are adequately significant in numbers and occurrence. Spaaji et al. (2015) specified that gender had been a subject for literature research in terms of sports as it exposes three signified issues such as “masculinity and femininity; sexuality and homophobia; and bodily sex (including gender testing). (pp. 400-401)”. They also added that mainstream sports such as hockey or soccer determine men and women's image in society. These sports were considered to signify dominant masculinity towards heterosexual persons and degrade the idea of women’s accomplishments in sports and considers it “natural, normal and is therefore somehow right.” (p. 401)
Situational examples that determine the idea of gender segregation and discrimination in sports are mentioned by Foddy & Savulescu (2011) in their study. Caster Semenya won in African sports and was forced to take a drug test and a gender test despite being a woman. The drug test was negative, and her gender test was not revealed due to controversies. On the other hand, men discriminate against gender and other women since it was stated that another women player accused Semenya of not being a woman. George (2002), in support of gender discrimination, disclosed that men and money were considered to be important in sports, and the negligence of academics and women's sports were abundant. One time, a women football player sued her school for removing her from the team because she was a girl and won in the court. Still, the petition of the school continuously has its vacation in court.
Effects and Contingencies of Sport Segregation
This segregation affects the rights of women and the educational value of students who are in sports. If pursuing sports while neglecting academics is continued, it could be a big stumble in that person's life. Milner & Braddock (2016) also added that women are normalized to think that they are inferior to men concerning sex segregation issues. Even with sport policies for practice and equipment, women are being mistreated in many ways. They also emphasized how sports have been a target ground for social inequality and, at the same time, a place where change can be led into society, where sports could also be a stepping stone for the birth of a new standard in society.
In addition to this, homosexual men are viewed negatively since they are labeled as men who are fragile and feminine while women ko exert masculinity are being isolated. People want individuals to represent themselves in stereotypical ideas such that women should exert feminism and men should be masculine or social norms would not accept them. An example would be how people see men and women who have actions against stereotypical thinking as people who have different gender preferences, such as gay or lesbian. Openly, such idealistic have been downgrading people to express themselves (Spaaji et al., 2015) freely.
Besides, Lagaert & Roose (2016) noted that if this continues, sports fans who are female will not be able to freely express their admiration in the sports as they are viewed differently. They also stated that they would be labeled as “inauthentic or outsiders (p. 3)” and should prove to men that their admiration is not on the players but on the sport itself. Leong (2017) also added that people would continue to harbor a gender stereotypes mindset that will not bring any good to both genders. Leading such thinking will only affect future events, which could have been different if gender equality was considered.
Women Leadership
On the other hand, not only is segregation in sports participation women being held to, but also in sport leadership. Globally, coaches who are female are relatively few in numbers due to the paradox of reasons that hindrances their leadership rights. Moreover, despite having many women who dream of coaching and leadership, they are robbed of their ...
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