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Data Collection Using a Semi-Structured Questionnaire

Essay Instructions:

Assignment #4: Report on the Results (20%) (Length expectation: ~1500 words)

With this assignment, you will submit your draft results and discussion sections of your final research project. You need to address the following for this assignment:

Create a written research summary. The sections of the proposal must include:

Introduction – paragraph form, double spaced (for inclusion & flow, will not be graded, word count excluded)

Methodology – paragraph form, double spaced (for inclusion & flow, will not be graded word count excluded)

Draft Results – paragraph form, double spaced, include draft tables and figures

Draft Discussion – paragraph form, double spaced

Draft Conclusion – paragraph form, double spaced

Hi Writer,

You have assisted me with my last few papers in regard to this course. It is a research paper that continues into different assignments. I really trust your work as I have been using it since the beginning. I have included past assignments in this order for your reference. Please reach out if you have any questions!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Data Collection Using a Semi-Structured Questionnaire Results
The study used sixteen participants, eight being human resource managers and the remaining eight holding the manager positions. Data collection was done using a semi-structured questionnaire. The first part of the questionnaire contained questions aimed at identifying the participant for easy grouping and analyzing the information they provided. The second part contained five questions; all focused on the participants’ knowledge and use of social media. The questionnaire sought information on whether the participants’ companies had policies regarding appropriate social media use and the participants’ familiarity with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. The third issue the questionnaire sought was whether the participants’ companies used social media to promote mental health wellness. The fourth is whether the participants’ companies had any recent incidents of stress, bullying, or addiction concerning the use of social media. The last issue the questionnaire sought to assess was the overall impact of social media on mental health in your workplace.
The survey attracted participants between 18 and 50 years. Five were between 18 and 30 years old, while 11 were between 30 and 50. Out of the 16 participants, eight were men and 8 females. 5 had work experience of less than 5 years while the rest 11 had between 6 and 10 years of experience in their occupations, 8 of them working in the business sector while the rest 8 worked in the healthcare sector.
The data collected were analyzed using SPSS software. The HR was represented by 1, while 2 represented managers. In the yes and no response, 1 means “yes” while 2 represents “no.” Of the questions whose responses were weighed against on the Likert scale, 1 represented the worst-case scenario while 5 represented the best-case scenario.
Most companies do not give policies regarding social media use in the workplace. 68 % of the participants reported that their companies do not have social media use policies, against around 31% who reported that their companies have policies that guide their social media use.
Figure 1: A pie chart showing the percentage of participants who reported that their companies had social media use policies at the workplace against those whose companies do not have workplace social media use policies in place.
Based on the knowledge of social media platforms, the popularity of LinkedIn is higher than that of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, with all the participants reporting that at least they had moderate to high familiarity with the social media platform. One person said they were unaware of Instagram, while 43 % of the participants reported that they were somewhat familiar with it. 56 % of the participants reported that they were very familiar with Facebook, against 43 % who said they were very familiar with Twitter.
Most companies use social media to promote mental health awareness at work, with 9 out of 16 participants responding positively. 68 % of the participants reported that their companies had had recent incidences of bullying, stress, and addiction relating to social media use.
Figure 2: A bar graph showing companies that use social media to promote mental health awareness against those who do not
When asked to rate the impact of social media on mental health in their workplace, 8 participants said that social media and mental health are positively correlated. Two participants gave neutral responses. At the same time, six reported that social media did not impact mental health in any way in their companies.



Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


Very Negative





Somewhat Negative





Neither positive or Negative





Somewhat positive





Very positive









Table 1: A table showing the...
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