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Work Disability Issues in Non-Profit Organizations Serving People with Special Needs

Essay Instructions:

Assignment #3 (Final) (40%)

The Wiki should include:

A summary of the key points identified by the study

A reference list of supporting documentation and research

Links to useful resources and websites for further study

You can add content to your first page, including text, links to additional pages, pictures, links to website(s).

Hi Writer, you recently worked on my assignment related to this same course. Assignment 3 is just a continuation of the work you did from Assignment 2 (I have included assignment 1 and 2 for your reference). If you could please ensure that your research is done using Canadian Sources, preferably on Google Scholar. I really liked your work!

Also, please try your best not to use too many complex words so that it is a bit more simple for me to follow.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Work Disability Issues in Non-Profit Organizations Serving People with Special Needs
Your Name
Department of ABC, University – Whitewater
ABC 101: Course Name
Professor (or Dr.) Firstname Lastname
Work Disability Issues in Non-Profit Organizations Serving People with Special Needs: Research Summary
In a world geared towards inclusive policies, considerations for people with disabilities should be careful and explicit to provide realistic solutions that influence their wellbeing and participation in development. This means that non-profit organizations should be actively and continuously strengthened for people with disabilities to continue receiving the services they need uninterrupted. The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic revealed the vulnerabilities of such organizations and, therefore, different predicaments faced by people with disabilities in the 21st century. Previous research on the issues faced by people with disabilities has often focused on inclusive policies in workplaces and public spaces. However, not much is said about how these organizations cope with a global problem like the pandemic. Building on previous progress on the topic, the current paper summarizes research findings on the key issues impacting such organizations before and during the pandemic.
Research Process
The project's purpose was to build a work sector research proposal on non-profit organizations that focus on assisting and highlighting the challenges faced by people with disabilities. In this regard, research deployed several search and data gathering approaches that involved a review of health care articles and journals as proposed by Lefebvre et al. (2019). The inclusion of articles depended on the extent to which they presented the challenges faced by these organizations and the recommendations provided. These sources were found mainly in databases like MEDLINE, OCHSU, IHEC, and CRDCN. Out of the several useful peer-reviewed sources examined, the most relevant five are integrated with the findings summarized in the next section.
Issues Faced by Non-Profit Organizations Serving People with Disabilities
Prevalence of Disabilities & Role of Organizations
The World Health Organization estimates that at least 5 billion people (or 15% of the global population) live with one or more forms of disability. In Canada, 16% of the population (5.3 million) are living with some form of disability that impacts their levels of quality of life, independence, and freedom. To address these problems, there are established non-profit organizations that assist. Their role is to increase the visibility of disabled individuals, help them pursue opportunities, and pursue organizational work environments and government policies that contribute to the effort as part of inclusive approaches to government and organizational management efforts; however, despite the selflessness and humility deployed by these organizations, the face multiple problems that limit the efficacy of their plans and strategies. These problems became even more apparent as organizations faced economic and human capital challenges during the pandemic. Understanding the problems faced by these organizations and solving them is a necessity if the global and Canadian communities are serious about inclusivity in the modern world.
Key Problems Affecting Non-Profit Organizations
Personel Deficit
Non-Profit organizations do not rely on internal or external operations to gain profit. Instead, the organizations realize that they are dealing with a marginalized population that is already incapacitated, resources-wise, receiving services from these organizations. As a result, to run operations on a low budget, these organizations often rely on volunteer services from community members. During, measures like social distancing impacted the personnel in these organizations. Employees were forced to stay at home because of their safety, and their services were not considered essential. This lack of adequate personnel was also largely felt because of the increase in the number of people who required services, which strained the handful of available employees and volunteers. According to Winter et al. (2020), such a situation exposes employees to workplace harm, causes people with disabilities to receive less attention, and contributes to a hostile work environment.
When the number of employees is lower than the anticipated administrative workload based on demand for services, current employees experience an increase in work burden that may impact their ability to provide safe and quality services. The stress accompanying long-working hours can also result in mental health issues that may lead to hostile work environments, exceptionally because employees may be at odds based on their share of work. Such a situation is complicated for volunteers who may choose to leave anytime and, therefore, leave programs & tasks in jeopardy. Such an environment also causes employees to pay less attention to the client because of the increasing number of people that deserve services.
According to Bastida et al. (2018), personnel deficit also impedes organizational efforts to cope with the drastic and significant changes in healthcare advanced by technology, the complexity of demand for services, and funding sources. Without adequate personnel, such organizations stand to be deemed irrelevant because they do not review their services and purpose at the same frequency as the changes in the environment in which they operate.
Lack of Funds
Lack of funds is the next biggest problem established across contemporary literature on the issue. In their research, Garcia and Romero (2020) established an array of problems connected with the lack of funds that these non-profit organizations face. These include lack of educational development of employees, high employee turnover rates, limited development of an inclusive workforce, and limited access to essential resources such as PPEs during the pandemic. Sasangohar et al....
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