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Personal and Other People's Cultural Identifier

Essay Instructions:

In a 2-page submission, not counting the cover and references pages, respond to the following questions on the Cultural Identifier Worksheet regarding your knowledge of your own and your employer’s corporate culture and cultural diversity.

This assignment is about you, so feel free to write in the first person, using the words I, me, my, etc.

Cultural Identifier Worksheet

Name three cultural identifiers that you identify with most. Describe in detail how you identify with these three.

Which of these cultural identifiers do you see in the people with whom you work or play?

Do you consider your place of work as diverse? In what ways?

From the short list you made in #1, select the one that you identify with the most.

What is it that you like the most about this cultural identifier?

From the list above, select the one identifier that you identify with the least. Explain why it does not fit you.

Do you see the cultural identifier in #6 in those with whom you work or play?

List some stereotypes about your culture that do not apply to you.

The following is a short list of some of the ways people respond to others’ cultural and diversity identifiers either through their thoughts, words, or deeds.

Prejudice--an attitude about another person or group of people based on stereotypes

Discrimination--an action or behavior based on prejudice

Racism--prejudice or discrimination based on race/ethnicity

Sexism--prejudice or discrimination based on gender

In discussions of these terms, an issue that sometimes arises is that prejudice and discrimination can be positive. It is important to note that when these issues are discussed in the context of cultural diversity, they are generally considered negative and very easy to identify. In what instance would prejudice or discrimination be a positive? Why is it so hard to identify the positive ones?

You are required to have at least one high-quality peer-reviewed academic reference to support a discussion of a topic in this assignment.

Note: A URL (website address) is NOT a reference. A reference always contains four parts: author, publication date, article title, and the source of the article. Sometimes there is no author, but the APA manual tells you what you can put in that spot instead, such as the first few words of the article title. The source for a high-quality peer-reviewed journal article is the journal. When you find an article in the Library, you can click the quote (”) icon, select the APA format from the drop-down list, and copy/paste the reference onto your reference list. You may have to clean it up because they are not always input into the database correctly.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organizational Culture and Diversity
Student's Name
Professor's Name
Organizational Culture and Diversity
1 Name three cultural identifiers that you identify with most. Describe in detail how you identify with these three.
Religion, race, and socioeconomic status are the three cultural identifiers that I identify with the most. Most people identify with religion worldwide, with the majority being Christians and Muslims. I am a Christian and believe in Christian values because they guide societal morality. Most cultures follow the basic moral guidelines given in the ten commandments, thus the reason I identify with Christianity. Race is a significant identifier because it can easily be pointed out by looking at someone's skin tone. I belong to the white race, and I am proud of it. I identify with the socioeconomic status based on my family's status. We live in a medium-class neighborhood and receive special treatment compared to the low-class.
2 Which of these cultural identifiers do you see in the people with whom you work or play?
Religion and race are the most outstanding identifiers I see in the people I work with. The Muslim people dress in their religious attire, especially on Fridays, while Christians often pray before meals. I also attend the same church with some of my co-workers.
3 Do you consider your place of work as diverse? In what ways
My place of work is diverse. It has people from almost all the cultural identifiers like race, religion, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, gender, academic achievement, income, and sexual orientation. Workplace inclusivity and the need to embrace diversity have made employers hire based on skills, not cultural orientations and beliefs (Shore et al., 2018). My workplace has people from almost all the races, religions, socioeconomic statuses, sexual orientations, gender, and different academic achievements and income size. These people co-exist and work together with minimal distraction because everybody respects each other. The straight people respect the LGBTQ, and the Muslims respect the Christians and other religions. Those with higher academic achievements equally respect those who have achieved higher academically. All this is because they understand the impact of inclusivity and respect for each other.
4 From the short list you made in #1, select the one that you identify with the most.
I identify the most with religion.
5 What is it that you like the most about this c...
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