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Social and Cultural Diversity: Beliefs, Feeling Race & Ethnicity

Essay Instructions:

I need 3-1 and 3-2 answered 150 words each or morewith scholarly references 2 each the chapter should be one of them.. Then the outline will be to a five part paper the out line is on social and cultural the outline should contain 4 things which are added. Here is a little about my self I am a black women raised in the ghetto of Cleveland Ohio mother and father is from the south who had only a 6th grade education.My great great grand parents were in slavery I was told lots of stories about the color of skin the lighter a black was the better they were house nigga-rs my mother works in the fields and took care of her smaller sibling she is the older est of 11 this is what the outline should entail introduction, definition of cultural diversity, main body containing the content guidelines provided in "Social and Cultural paper writing instructions" which is provided for you. and the conclusion

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social and Cultural Diversity
Institution of Affiliation
Social and Cultural Diversity
3-1 Why people don't share their beliefs and feeling about race and ethnicity
In most of the occasions, people think that this is social danger thus it should not be embraced by the society. It seems to offend those who are facing racism and ethnicity allegations. Racism and ethnicity within the society are considered to be a very sensitive aspect thus they should never be handled plainly as it is believed to cause society disintegration (Ojalvo, 2010). Moreover, one's stand can influence his or her friends concerning their approach to the issue. It will be an act of guilt if one tend to deviate from what the majority think of racism and ethnicity. Therefore, individuals decide to stay silent concerning the matter. Additionally, people have a stereotype about each race and ethnic group, therefore, their perceptions differ, and they are fearful of disclosing what they think of a certain community (Ahmed, Wilson, Henriksen, & Jones, 2013).
3-2 Why racism is resistant to change
From the ancient time racism has been a disaster in many of the communities. There are various reasons which are tied to the racism being resistance to change. One of the factors is that it is never addressed publicly thus one's approach to racism can't be identified. Therefore, is exists in a person, but its direction either positive or negative cannot be established (Whitehead, 2011). If people could share their views then, a general ground can be made leading to efficiency in the elimination of racism in the society. Another reason for racism being resistant is that most of the minority groups never standoff and address the issues affecting them thus they keep it for themselves. Therefore, those who practice it will never know that they have been doing the acts, thus, it won't stop (Schaub, 2012). Moreover, young generations are grown up with the mentality that racism is there making it difficult to eradicate it. Additionally, it is a nature of human to feel superior to the other. Through this feeling racism exist to be dominant within the society.
Social and Cultural Diversity
This paper is an exploration of the therapist experiences on racism and ethnicity. It also includes the type of information she has about culture, values and her biases experiences she might have gone through. The paper shall also focus on some of the factors which might affect her as she performs duties as a therapist.
Part 1
* Describe some of the experiences the anticipating therapist has gone through and how they have impacted her o...
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