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Assignment Research Paper: Analysis of the Social Policy

Essay Instructions:

Utilizing the text and outside scholarly sources, you will examine social welfare policy as it relates to social problems. For this activity, you will provide a written analysis of an existing policy that addresses the social problem you selected in Project 1. Provide a 4- 6 page written analysis of the social policy chosen.You are required to discuss whether the policy has been effective in solving the selected social problem and whether there are any further improvements that need to be made. Include the following areas in your analysis:
•Type of policy and level at which you are analyzing the policy (federal, state, or local).
•Intended target population of the policy.
•Brief history of the policy intended to address this problem.
•Policy alternatives that were explored (bounded rationality framework).
•Political constraints on the policy decision making process.
•Unintended consequences of the policy, if known.
•Results of the policy on the target population.
•Summary of current status of selected policy.
----NOTE----Topic that was written was titled:
---- Veterans Traumatic Brain Injury Care Enhancement Act of 2014, H.R.4276 (113th)----
Finalize your research paper so it is a polished academic discussion on the social policy you have chosen in Project 1 and Project 2. Your response should be between 4 to 6 pages, and should include a title page, be 12-point font and double spaced. The title and references pages will not be considered as part of the page count for this assignment. Be sure to use APA style citation for citing any sources to support your claims. At least five references from journals or approved websites such as those of the US government, research organizations, universities, etc need to be used for this paper. Go to the EC Library website, (link on left bar of your course webpage) for help with references for your paper. Wikipedia, CliffsNotes and other study guide sites are not considered a valid source for references.
• Textbook: DiNitto, D. & Johnson, D. (2012). Essentials of social welfare: Politics and public policy. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Policy Analysis
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Social Policy Analysis
The Veterans Traumatic Brain Injury Care Enhancement Act (H.R. 4276) was enacted to extend the period that the veterans who have suffered from traumatic brain injuries used to receive treatment from five years to eight years. The policy is used by the federal government to help the veterans who have been injured while on operations. The Act was to amend the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 to change the reporting requires under the pilot programs in assessing the effectiveness of providing assistance to the affected veterans to enhance their rehabilitation, quality of life, and community integration.
The Act requires the Veterans Affairs (VA) Department to submit a report to the congressional veterans committee on pilot programs for rehabilitation of veterans with traumatic brain injuries (TBI). The Act also does not allow intergovernmental relations with other parties such as private, local and state governments. It mandates the VA Department to submit a report to the congress on all activities and pilot programs that have been implemented for the sake of the TBI veterans. In the report, the following is included:
* Number of veterans who participated in a particular program.
* Number of veterans who completed the programs successfully.
* The degree to which the participants together with their families are satisfied with the programs.
* The findings and conclusions of the Secretary on the success of the pilot programs and suggestions on how to improve the programs (Govtrack.us, 2014).
The Act was also to change the benchmark that was being used by federal pilot programs for treating veterans form the "assisted living" to the "community-integrated rehabilitation (CIR)" services. It expanded the options that were available to veterans by including neurobehavioral, residential programs, day treatment and home-based programs. The Act requires that the pilot programs be accessible to all VA regions in the country.
For the past few years, the Congress, Department of Veterans Affairs, and Department of Defense have increased their attention to TBI which is widely known as "signature wound" of officers from operations. Although there are early treatments stages within the military health care system, this Act focuses on improving these pilot programs. The type of treatment the officers receive depends on the severity of their injuries. Most cases are resolved without much medical attention. Severe TBIs require an immediate medical attention which will begin at the site of event to the treatment facilities of the military. Once stabilized, they are sent to VA facilities for further treatment and assessment. However, the some cases TBIs may go unnoticed if the affected individuals walk away from an accident seemingly unharmed. Also, despite an assessment from the military health care systems, the veterans may enter into the pilot programs with Undiagnosed TBI. Therefore, the policy requires that all the veterans be screened for TBI for proper medication and treatment. Veterans who have suffered from the moderate to severe TBI need special treatment which is available through the VA Polytrauma/TBI system of Care (PSC). Other veterans with traumatic injuries are also allowed to access the system, which is dispersed all over the country to make it easily accessible to the veterans. The Act targets those veterans who have suffered from Traumatic Brain Injuries while on operations or have returned from operations.
Between the years 2004-2013 over 290,000 military service members were diagnosed of with traumatic brain injury (Bagalman, 2013). Because of ambiguities in laws, the treatment of TBI victims at the Department of Veterans Affairs does not focus on physical restoration care. The veterans required a policy that will guarantee them of care that will address their mental and physical health needs and improve their quality of life as well as providing long-term recovery. Many veterans are returning from operations especially from Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan with TBI and the government has an obligation to them as they serve and sacrifice themselves on behalf of the country. Therefore, there was a need of ensuring proper care to the veterans who have sustained TBI as part of the ...
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