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Acts Fighting for the Gay and Lesbian Rights

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Civil Rights
Civil Rights
Aspects LGBT have been around for quite some time in the society. There are largely some recorded history of persons belonging to the LGBT group in almost all of the world cultures.While it has been generally accepted in the current society, there have been incidences in the past and even in the current society, where the LGBT have been marginalized. The socially accepted form of unions and relationship are largely inclined towards male and female partners. As such, the idea of having same sex relationships has been oppressed in quite a number of society. Even in the current times, there are still some elements of discrimination that go on against the LGBT, even though it is not as largely outspoken and expressed. Much of the debate on the issues regarding the rights of the LGBT can be traced back to the1920s, although much of the debate became active after the 1950s(Morris, 2016). The debate is pegged to the civil rights activism. From the fact that the society is generally accepting of the heterosexual relationships, the LGBT community has been struggling for the longest time to be accepted in the society (Adams,Blumenfield,Castaneda,Hackman, Peters & Zuniga, 2013). This can be underlined by the various debates that the discussion has brought about in the social and political circles. Of more importance are the researches that have been dedicated to determine if the element of one being gay or lesbian is actually natural. Some of the research have cited that this is a genetic condition and one that should be taken to be natural. For most of the religious factions, this is taken to be a socially deviant. There have been hate crimes perpetrated against them (Morris, 2016).
The first acts of fighting for the gay and lesbian rights can be traced to the year 1924, when henry Gerber founded the Society for Human Rights.Later in the 1950, there was another organization that was founded in light of recognizing the rights of the LGBT, by Chuck Rowland and Harry Hay and called the Mattachine society. Later on, another organization came up called the One, Inc., which was founded in the year 1952 (Morris, 2016). At the time the society was highly conservative and thus such organizations helped breakdown the discrimination. At the time, LGBT people had started taking a bold step to come out and declare in public. Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin later on the year 1955 came up with the Daughters of Bilitis, which supported the lesbian women in the society (Morris, 2016). These groups offered support to the people that were LGBT through meetings and publications (Adams, Blumenfield, Castaneda, Hackman, Peters & Zuniga, 2013). At the time most of the publications recognized that the LGBT were a minority group and their rights needed to be recognized and affirmed. With the much lobbying that the organizations brought to public, in 1973 the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as an illness, bring the element of social acceptance a step closer. This largely reduces the number of times that the members of the LGBT community would be jailed, lose their jobs and even in some of the cases lose their child custody. Across the society and even in most of the civil institutions, the LGBT would be loo...
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