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HLS 615 Final Assessment

Essay Instructions:
HLS-615: DOMESTIC AND GLOBAL INTELLIGENCE FOR SECURITY MANAGEMENT Final Paper OVERVIEW Students will research and describe three terrorist organizations and, in a 10-12 page paper, will discuss and explain five intelligence profile components that relate to each terrorist organization. Based on this information, the paper will make a scholarly argument about whether or not the roles and responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security are sufficient and adequate to protect the United States' critical infrastructure. The final paper must rely upon relevant facts and expert opinion, and must cite at least eight sources, such as peer-reviewed journal articles, scholarly books, web-sites, and resources available at the homeland security digital library at http://www(dot)hsdl(dot)org. Use of a variety of sources is required. Terrorist organizations to be profiled may be selected from those named in Appendix D on page 153 of the textbook. Students are encouraged to use the course readings for this module as a primary reference; however, students may also use other peer reviewed sources. Students are required to cite and reference these works. Paper must be in APA format and must contain the following: Title page that includes title of the position paper, the student's name, the student's address, and the name of the course. [Is not part of total page count.] Table of contents indicating the pages on which each portion or section of the paper begins. [Is not part of total page count.] An abstract of 25-50 words in length. A statement of the problem identifying the topic discussed and the issues pertaining to your argument. In the body of the paper students will defend their position by presenting several arguments to support the stand taken on the issue. This requires students to provide facts and information, present the case accurately, coherently, logically, consistently, and clearly with citations and references. The paper must demonstrate student knowledge and understanding of the theories and concepts discussed in this course, and familiarity with various library and internet sources of homeland security literature. A conclusion section that briefly summarizes the issues raised in the position paper, discusses recommendations and notes how the recommendations are supported by the information presented in the paper. A reference section. [Is not part of total page count.] GUIDELINES Your paper should be well developed and convey your understanding of the readings and concepts. Your paper should be organized, coherent, and unified. Your paper should be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Be sure to document all contentions and “facts” mentioned in an academically acceptable manner. (See writing resources below) Encyclopedias – especially Wikipedia – and dictionaries are unacceptable sources. If you have questions about the requirements of the paper, be sure to discuss them with your mentor well in advance of the final submission. Consult the Course Calendar for this paper's due date. It must be submitted by the last day of the semester. WRITING RESOURCES The following links provide online writing aids to help you with your paper assignments. APA Guidelines Documentation Rules and Citation Styles
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Security management Name Professor Date Table of Content Introduction…………………………………………………………………..1 Al-Qaeda……………………………………………………………………...1 Al-Qaeda leadership…………………………………………………………2 Islamic State of Iraq and Levante…………………………………………….2 ISIL leadership………………………………………………………………..3 Al-Shabaab…………………………………………………………………..3 Similarities between the terrorism organizations……………………………….4 Department of homeland Security………………………………………..........5 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………5 Introduction Terrorism is the use of calculated violent or dangerous acts on civilians of a given state with an aim of attaining political, ideological or religious goals. These acts are realized by instilling fear, coercion or intimidating a people. Terrorism can be either domestic or international depending with the country of origin of the terrorist group and the country that is affected by the dealings of the terrorists. Domestic terrorism is where terrorists of a given country attack the same country while international terrorism is where terrorists of another country hit another country. Over the years, international terrorist activities have reduced compared to the 1980s since most countries have come up to rebuke the acts. Countries that funded, hide terrorists and encouraged terrorism have joined other countries in rejecting the vice. Most terrorism organizations share the same ideologies, training and recruitment processes, leadership, sources of funds among many other aspects. In the U.S, The Department of Homeland Security is mandated to protect American critical infrastructure from terrorism but they do not have enough tools and finance to that. Al-Qaeda Al-Qaeda is a terrorism organization that was founded in the 1980s by several Arab volunteers who fought against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan among them Osama Bin Laden and Abdullah Azzam. The name Al-Qaeda was derived from the base where trainees were trained which was called the base. Al-Qaeda has mounted several attacks on both civilians and military targets in many countries inclusive of the U.S. Some of the largest attacks targeting the U.S are the 9/11 attacks, the 1998 U.S embassy bombings and the Bali bombings of 2002. Due to these attacks, the U.S launched the war on terror campaigns that have killed many of the leaders of the terror group culminating to Al-Qaeda's operations devolving from actions that were top down controlled to lone-wolf operators and actions by franchise associated groups. Suicide attacks and simultaneous bombing of different targets are characteristics of the Al-Qaeda terror group. Being Salafist jihadists, they trust that the killing of non-combatants is religiously authorized and they also believe that there is a conspiracy by Christians and Jewish to destroy Islam. Apart from attacking those they call kafir, Al-Qaeda has also instigated sectarian violence among Muslims more so the liberal Muslims, Shias and the Sufis whom they perceive as heretics and thus attack their mosques. Al-Qaeda Leadership Prior to his assassination by the U.S forces on 1st May 2011, Osama Bin Laden was historically the most notable senior command and operations chief of Al-Qaeda. He was advised by a 20-30 shura council that comprised of senior Al-Qaeda members. Ayman al-Zawahiri who was al-Qaeda's Deputy Operations Chief before Bin Laden's death took over as the head. They have a military committee that oversees operatives training, weapon acquisition and attack planning. Business committee is responsible for funding recruitment and operative training through the hawala banking system. Reviewing of the Sharia law and deciding on what particular action to follow is done by the Law Committee and they also have a Media committee that ran newspapers and handled public relations while now they have a media house, As-Sahab, which spreads audios and videos. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant or Islamic State of Syria is commonly referred to in modern day as ISIS and it's a group that follows a definite jihadist Islamic fundamentalist, apocalyptic Wahhabi doctrine of Sunni Islam. The group was founded in 1999 by Jordanian radical Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and it has had different names over time. Being part of Al-Qaeda at its founding, the group was informally referred to as al-Qaeda in Iraq for several years even though the group never called itself by that name. It was also commonly called Daesh but lately it has adopted the name ISIS. The terror group is known for its strong clamming of Islamic teachings that are even rebuked by fellow Muslim hierarchies. They claim to be the leaders of all the Muslims in the world. They are also known for their consistent use of social media to show their dirty works like ugly killings and beheading. The group has killed a lot of minority groups of Iraq and kept many as slaves. They engage in sale of women, drugs and control of crops as a source of funding for the group. Al-Qaeda leader al-Zawahiri cut ties with ISIL in February 2014 after an announcement by al-Baghdad of the merger of ISI with al-Nursa Front to form the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant a move that was also reject by al-Nursa leader al-Julani. Some of the attacks that they have carried out lately are the Paris attacks that left many people dead. ISL Leadership ...
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