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Research Siignment: Viewpoints of Healthcare in America

Essay Instructions:

Healthcare will soon account for 20% of the Gross Domestic Product of the United States of America. However, there are contrasting viewpoints of whether access to healthcare should be considered a right or a privilege. It is important to consider how each point of view changes the ethical outlook for healthcare policy. As human services professionals, we often advocate for the access to quality healthcare for all Americans. Consider whether the current healthcare policy is good or bad for the nation’s economy and whether it will enhance the quality of life for all U. S. American citizens. Then answer the following:
Discussion Question:
The United States rations healthcare based upon ability to pay. Other countries ration healthcare based on time (waiting periods) to receive services. Discuss the ethical implications of the two healthcare rationing approaches. In your opinion, which is more ethical and why? Please explain and support your claims.
DiNitto’s Essentials of Social Welfare: Politics and Public Policy - Chapters 7, 8, & 9 
I think chapter 8 covers this subject best)please contact me if you have issues retrieving reference.
The Healthcare Law - http://www(dot)hhs(dot)gov/healthcare/about-the-law/index.html

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Viewpoints of Healthcare in America
The healthcare industry, especially in the United States, has been the subject of national attention, especially when it comes to political contests. The two largest parties, the Democrats, and Republicans, always have different views towards the implementation of various policies affecting healthcare. One bottom-line for both, however, is that the United States healthcare system is usually based on rations on the ability to pay. This system is, however, very contentious since it discriminates people based on their economic status. The other type of health care rationing is the waiting period to receive the services. Both systems carry with them their respective advantages and disadvantages, as well as some ethical considerations too.
Rationing by price, which is the most commonly used in the United States, is usually exercised by governmental agencies, private ones, hospitals or any other healthcare provider, including the insurance companies. Through this method, the citizens only receive medical care equivalent to their contributions or their demographic characteristics. For example, there is the situation whereby the people are only accorded medical attention to the extent of their financial muscle. This has ethical implications since it means that the members at the bottom of the economic pyramid are likely to receive restricted medical attention, different forms of healthcare by their pay, or even none at all. DeNitto and Johnson (2012) summarize this aspect well, by stating that there is an inadequate and disorganized healthcare distribution system in poor communities.
It also bears an unethical aspect, considering that there is a high likelihood of this procedure having racial undertones. In the times of the Jim Crow laws, the health care system was significantly skewed, something that has continued affecting the distribution of healthcare sy...
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