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Critical Cultural Issues: The Conflict Theory

Essay Instructions:

Here are a few examples that you can choose from

Please try to write essay in the order of specific requirements (files uploaded later)

Sociobiological Theory

Conflict Theory

Rational Choice Theory

Social Learning Theory

Cultural Materialism

Game Theory

Critical Theory

Functionalist Theory

Social Exchange Theory

Social Phenomenological Theory


1. Start by doing this: Choose ONE theory from ^
it relates to the study of critical cultural IssueT document and show how
a. Explain the theory and show which parts of it you will relate to your topic.
b. Put the theory at the beginning of your project and refer to it throughout the project.
2. D1: Show me that you understand the dynamics of power struggles/relations within specific cultural groups and between majority/minority cultures.
a. Ideally choose similar power struggles/relations from different cultures
b. Then EXPLAIN how these struggles/relations came about/developed over time (draw your own conclusions)
c. EXPLAIN any connections to socio-economic status, religion, language, etc that may have influenced the struggles/relations, (connect to elements/functions)
d. Relate your examples back to your theory.
3. D2: Show me that you understand how historical and current policies affect cultural diversity in Canada (can you find policies related to the culture you are studying?), compare these Canadian approaches to those of other countries.
a. Choose specific examples of policies or issues and link their development/change to other cultural groups AND events within the culture/society.
b. Provide specific examples of HOW and WHY these policies/issues would affect your chosen culture.
c. Are these policies/issues positive/negative/both? Why?
d. Who or what is responsible for the policies/issues? Explain.
e. Relate your examples back to your theory.
4. D3: Design a way to address issues related to cultural groups and cultural diversity in our community.
a. Help to educate our community. Develop a simple plan to increase the cultural awareness and acceptance of your chosen culture in our community.
b. Show how your plan addresses topics from each of the units so far and link this to this project.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Critical Cultural Issues
Kelly Wang
Conflict theory is an important Marxist theory that hypothesizes the social life of the society. Conflict theorists oppose the contemporary order model of the society opposing that the system maintained by the society deviates from general unification with differing cultures, disagreements in societal values, varying economic and political standpoints. In a conflict framework, order and stability are lacking effectively setting the tone for constant societal struggles that to achieve a specific shared objective. Conflict theory is critical in understanding the society at large providing obvious and rational examples of the growing social inequalities and constant struggles of the social class. Conflict theory provides a microanalysis of the society with particular emphasis on the perspectives that illuminate on the continuous battles and healthy competition, as constitutive of standard social systems in the society.
Conflict theory is interested in transforming society through social, economic and political emancipation. The emancipation provides the basis for a rejuvenated push to realize human potential. Conflict theory exposes the existing inequalities in society with victims becoming the main drivers to achieve social justice and equality. Sears observes that victims of social and societal injustices challenge the status quo by engaging in social disruptions and disorders that aim to bring balance. The victims of social crimes are, therefore, the primary drivers of change by actively engaging the general society to advocate and push for justice against the prevailing social norms. Boss, Doherty, LaRossa, Schumm, and Steinmetz also contend that conflict theorists emphasize disrupting popular social class and political elites. Engaging in activities that seek to define space and bring justice and equality to disadvantaged members of the society represents the struggles of conflict theorists.
LGBT Liberation
Inequality in society is characterized by undermining and, to extreme extents, outlawing certain aspects of the disadvantaged and minority groups such as feminist movements and LGBT liberation movements. As postulated by Sears, conflict theory prepares the foundation of such disadvantaged movements setting the pace for societal recognition and liberation.
LGBT Liberation: Canada
The gay liberation gained traction in the Americas in the latter twentieth century. Canada was among the most progressive societies in the West allowing same-sex sexual activities since 1969. LGBT movements aimed at creating public awareness as well as eliminating the societal shame associated with their sexual orientation. Members of the LGBT community that includes lesbians, gay men, bisexual and transgender communities involved in generally radical activities besides mainstreaming their sexuality such as introducing transformations in the nuclear family structure to include same-sex marriages. The LGBT liberation movements aimed at challenging the traditional definition of sexuality held sacred by society.
The Canadian authorities continued to support the LGBT community by calling for the protection of their fundamental human rights similar to the non-LGBT members of the society. In Quebec, for instance, sexual orientation was placed among the human rights protected against the discrimination. Additionally, the Canadian parliament amended the Canadian Human Rights Acts in 1991 to protect sexual orientation against discrimination. Consequently, Canada’s national outlook and perspective regarding the LGBT community has continued to change experiencing a wave of social acceptance towards the sexual orientation. For instance, over 80 percent of Canada’s general population favored the integration of the LGBT community effectively reducing the discrimination attached to the sexual orientation. On marriage, the progressive nature of the Canadians is displayed with an excess of 70 percent Canadians supporting the right of same-sex couples to adopt, similar to the non-LGBT couples. Canada’s diverse culture has been a driving force that incorporates the rights and freedoms of all members of the society.
LGBT Liberation: China
LGBT liberation movements have spread from the west to include China. LGBT communities in China continues to face unprecedented societal discrimination, and legal challenges making them, for instance, for unable same-sex partners; unable to marry, adopt children or even be equally protected in law as the heterosexual couples. Homosexuality was primarily accepted in ancient China until the 20th century when same-sex relationships were outlawed, discriminated against by the society and members were prosecuted. However, homosexuality was decriminalized in the late 20th century and officially removed by Chinese authorities as a mental disorder. Nonetheless, societal discrimination against members of the LGBT community continues to receive rampant discriminatio...
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