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Justice-Oriented NGOs

Essay Instructions:

Use times new roman font in size 12. Print your assignment single-sided so that you have at least one blank sheet to write on in class before turning in your assignment. If you have multiple sheets of paper they must be stapled.

According to Steger, global justice movements in the global South often involve popular and indigenous people's movements in connection with justice-oriented NGOs

Select an example of such a group and write a short 300-500 word summary of what they do, where, and why, who is involved, and how they address issues that particularly affect women.

You may find your group online or may choose to focus on a group mentioned in any of our readings. hint: there are a number of feminist global justice groups listed in the back of our required textbook Making Feminist Sense of the Global Justice Movement.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Justice-Oriented NGOs
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Feminist Global Justice
In the incessant fight for international gender equality, the Global Fund for Women is the most formidable name in the game. Founded in 1987 by Anne Firth Murray, Laura Lederer, Nita Barrow, and Frances Kissling, the Global Fund for Women focuses on access to education, women dismantling militarism, civic and political participation, social change philanthropy, economic and environmental justice, peace and gender violence, and health and sexual rights.
The underlying reason behind the establishment of the Global Fund for Women is the fact that women’s human rights are essential to political, economic, and social change around the world, for the betterment of humanity. Frustrated by a lack of interest in funding women’s human rights, the Global Fund for Women was established with the sole purpose of directly funding grass-root women-led movements.
The Global Fund for Women is held together by various unique approaches to supporting women. It has a global network consisting of over two-thousand partners and advisors. This vast network helps find, fund, and strengthen groups consisting of the most exiled women in the world. The movement also works closely with sister regional and local women’s funds, because they understand that their communities can reach newly emerging groups and encourage local people to fund and support women’s rights.
The movement also offers multi-year funding which is the allocation of multi-year funds so that grantees can plan for the long-term, and flexible, “core support” funding, which allows groups to decide on how to spend their grants. Another core pillar is movement strengthe...
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