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Critical Analysis

Essay Instructions:
This exercise should result In a paper of approximately 750-1000 worlds/3-4 double spaced, numbered, twelve point type pages, in addition to title page, and bibliography or list of works consulted. Its purpose is to give you the opportunity to critically assess a popular depiction of the relationship between politics and religion in the contemporary world, directed a popular audience; it could be , for example, a newspaper article or opinion piece, an article from a magazine like The Economist, a book, or a political speech. You are welcome to utilize more than one account, if you like; the basic objective is for you to have a sufficient, substantive basis from which to critically assess the way in which the source represents religion, and its intersection with political factors. Accordingly, please go on to analyze whether you believe the source engages in a valid, accurate representation of religion, politics, and the connections between the two. Some examples of questions to consider, in the process: what is the source¡¯s intellectual and/or ideological standpoint, and how does this affect its depiction of religion? Whatever the source¡¯s biases, are they implicit or explicit? What is the significance for your assessment of the specific topical issue(s) with which the source deals? Does the source appear well-informed by relevant ideas and analytic perspectives? Please bolster your critical analysis with the use of at least two scholarly sources, whether from among our course readings up to this point in the curriculum, or otherwise. As will also be the case with your research essay, you should strive in this paper for clear and incisive writing that is grammatically and syntactically sound, and that had correct spelling. Structural aspects will count significantly in the grading of all writing in the course.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Social SciencesDepiction of Relationship of Politics and Religion in the Contemporary WorldBy: Name7/18/2012
An analysis of certain events in the past proves that there is a relationship between religion and politics. The Iranian revolution of 1978-80 was an outcome of this phenomena. Khomeini over threw the government of Mohammad Reza Shah Pehlavi on the basis of forming Iran into a religious state and thus became Iran`s definitive political and religious authority for the next 10 years. It was the Iranian population that stood by him, even after his exile his supporters were with him because of his ideology of a "Theocratic government administered by Islamic jurists in place of corrupt secular regimes." CITATION Ruh12 \l 1033 (Ruhollah Khomeini)
It is a common approach by many onlookers to consider religious fundamentalism as a phenomena which is socially and politically conservative. But the reality is that those groups who are labeled as fundamentals such as the Christians in the United States and the Orthodox Jews in Israel have been associated with political forces that take their stance and don`t agree to that which is opposing their ideology. Basically, it is noted that religious fundamentalists fear that modernization or secularization may affect their practice and adherence to religion and thereby denounce those aspects of the government or regime which they deem contradictory to their approach.
In the time period of 1920-1940, there were a growing number of countries in the Middle East who were either demanding or receiving political freedom from colonial rule. This in turn enabled them to inculcate aspects of Shariah law (Islamic law) in various aspects of their constitution. CITATION Hay10 \l 1033 (Haynes, 2010)
Another important example of how religion and politics have a relation between each other can be assessed by setting forth the situation in Nigeria. It is split evenly between Muslims and Christians, a region where the majority of the population identifies themselves by their religion first and then as a Nigerian. This is one of the religious combat zones in Africa. "Evangelical Christians, backed by American collection-plate money, are surging northwards, clashing with Islamic fundamentalists, backed by Saudi petrodollars, surging southwards." CITATION InG07 \l 1033 (In God's name, 2007)
In my opinion the true representation of religion in order to influence politics in the above mentioned sources vary. Religion is a highly sensitive issue and therefore it is at times manipulated for the sake of personal interests. The use of Islamic Laws at a political level for the purpose of political benefit is in some way a manipulation. Likewise at times there is also a third party involvement which creates a clash between two opposing sects of religious followers only for the purpose of their own political gains. Unrest in nations is caused between the Sunnis and Shias, Catholics and Protestants, Hindus and Muslims, Muslims and Jews so as to reap their own ulterior motives.
The basic source of adherence to a religious stance on political issues is ideological. It cannot be intellectua...
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