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Should Children be taught Sex Education in Schools?

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Should Children be taught Sex Education in Schools?
Course Title:
Should Children be taught Sex Education in Schools?
1. Introduction
Sex education is a broad term used to describe education about human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse, and other aspects of human sexual behaviour. Although some forms of sex education are part of the curriculum at many schools, it remains a controversial issue in several countries, particularly with regard to the age at which children should start receiving such education, the amount of detail that is revealed, and topics dealing with human sexuality and behavior (Whitehead, 1994). Controversies have occurred in the determination of the level of information that young people need to access concerning sex education, whether it should be basic abstinence knowledge or comprehensive education .Advocates of sex education especially in school settings have relied on the fact that, there is misinformation, which has led the youths making wrong choices. On the other hand, the critics have insisted that there is no empirical knowledge to prove that comprehensive knowledge helps prevent the wrong decision making process. They further hold that putting such an agenda in the public domain is against religious and moral beliefs Bates, 2004).
2. Discussion
2.1 Sex Education should be taught in Schools
The proponents of this view hold that it is important that students understand their sexuality and all that surrounds it to guide them in making choices affecting them. The first argument is that students are misinformed and less educated concerning sex issues (Whitehead, 1994). For instance, the Europeans teach their children on matters of this nature just like they would teach them the basic habit of brushing teeth. In America, sex education has not been integrated so much in public life and as a result, kids grow up to find themselves in puzzling situations. Their parents inform them that sex is evil, shameful and harmful instead of affirming the children`s sexuality. According to Whitehead, in America, kids are viewed as young and innocent and should not be exposed to sex issues (1994). On the other hand, the media provides misleading information through various programs such as advertisements on products like condoms. The children are left wondering which away to go, whether to abstain or seek the alternative use of protection. This can however be solved through the provision of the right information. If parents cannot take up the duty, then the school can act as a mediator between the parents and the outside world.
Sex education consists of various building blocks and is taught in a number of stages. It is appropriate that sex education be provided from the lower levels of education as one goes up the ladd...
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