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Developmental Curriculum Paper

Essay Instructions:
You recently did a one page outline for this topic and now I need a paper done about the same topic based on the outline you have done for me. Here are the following instructions: (if you need me to send you the outline, let me know and I will e-mail it to you guys) Your final assignment for ECE315 will be to develop curriculum content that implements strategies and methods that enhance language acquisition. Select a specific developmental level for your unit of study. In a narrative format, you will identify and discuss the topic areas listed below, referencing your textbook and three additional scholarly resources. 1. Grade or developmental level being addressed 2. Strategies and methods 3. The theoretical perspective you will use to support your choices 4. The curriculum content you will be using to incorporate your chosen strategies and methods 5. Modifications for students learning a second language and for students with special needs This information will be complied into an effective lesson plan format that could be used to instruct a group of students in the age and curriculum content area you have identified. The completed project must be 6-8 pages in length (including the actual lesson plans) and comprehensive enough that an instructor would be able to utilize this in an actual classroom.
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Developmental Curriculum Paper
Professor Name:
(August 11, 2012)

Developmental Curriculum Paper
The aim of the developmental curriculum is to cultivate commitment, self direction and creation of thinkers who are independent learners (Otto, 2010). It has been noted that children have diverse abilities with different uniqueness, resourcefulness and competency. Research indicates that the environment plays critical roles, considering that leaders are steered by the environmental changes (Cherry, 2012). Children have been noted to learn differently and at the same time take different time in grasping the language concepts (Oswalt, 2012).
Developmental curriculum has been credited with the provision of varied and rich experiences in learning, which offers the children with the best learning environments. The learnt materials identify with promoting cognitive, language, social, emotional, spiritual and physical growth. Children freely connects with areas of their interests shedding light to motivational aspects, which in turn delivers a feeling of belonging in the models resonating with participation aspects (Oswalt, 2012).
Research indicates that the model of communication chosen by teachers and parents plays critical roles in the development of language. Children have the ability of intertwining words to make complete sentences (Otto, 2010). This is observed as children grow with time. Research asserts that children development is evident even before the children are born. The complexity of the issue indicates that the fetuses are able to recognize speeches and the patterns of sound that are exhibited by the mother. Infants at the age of four months are capable of describing the read lips and sound discrimination (Cherry, 2012).
The recognition of the speech sounds has been noted to different the diverse sounds made by different languages. The recognition of other languages other than native language disappears at the age of ten months. Three years characterizes a vocabulary estimated at around three thousand words (Otto, 2010).
Teachers considered effective have the abilities of connecting with the children’s needs and cultivating an environment that mentors motivational aspects. The teachers have the abilities of guiding on the difficult experiences and difficult activities. The interaction between the stakeholders plays a critical role in defining the shared references, turn taking and eye contacts (Oswalt, 2012).
Teachers particularly in the early childhood stages of development cultivates the applications of methods and strategies identifying with classroom development, that creates an environment of creative learning in enhancement of the language acquisition (Otto, 2010). Early childhood identifies with children between times of birth to eight years. Research indicates that effective lesson plan is characterized with theories, fundamental texts and research materials. This is critical in enhancing language development in the early childhood models. It has been noted that early childhood language development entails syntactic, knowledge of morphemic language, phonetic, pragmatic and semantic (Cherry, 2012). The theoretical aspects identifies with communicative learning perspective, Nativist perspective, perspective in Cognitive development, Interactionist perspective and Behaviorist perspective.
Researchers have developed a number of language development theories which assist in explaining the models involved in the language development in children. One of the common theories identifies with the B. F Skinner behaviorist theory which indicates that the development of language is characterized with reinforcement and imitation (Otto, 2010). It was noted that Noam Chomsky Nativist theory suggested that the development of the language in inherent human traits meaning that the birth of the children is ...
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