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Crime Prevention Programs that have Proven Successful

Essay Instructions:

In the last 4 weeks, you have explored the development of criminological theory, its relationship to the criminal justice system (police, courts, and corrections), and the cost of crime to your community.

In this activity, you are going to further develop your analytical and writing skills while applying critical thinking by researching crime prevention programs that have proven successful in reducing crime.

Using your reading assignments, intellipath® lessons, and other resources, address the following a 2-page paper:

Provide separate examples of a successful program or policy for primary, secondary, and tertiary crime prevention. (3 examples total)

Show how each of the examples you chose is supported by a specific criminological theory.

Explain why you believe the program was a success. Support your position with specific cases or real examples or actual statistics.

When complete, upload your document.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Crime Prevention Programs that have Proven Successful
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Examples of successful programs/policies for primary, secondary, and tertiary crime prevention
The primary crime prevention program that has been successful is Family Therapy and Parental Training about Delinquency and Adolescents at Risk. According to Development Services Group, Inc (2014), a family determines family bonding, conduct, choice of friends, performance in school, and behavior. The program aims to develop a strong bond between parents, adopt the right values and techniques to guide them in making the right decisions, and develop internal controls that avert engagement in criminal behavior (Development Services Group, Inc, 2014).
A successful secondary crime prevention program is the Afterschool program. The initiative serves children and youths aged five to eighteen by engaging them in a broad range of activities such as academic support, mentorship, youth development programs, arts, sports, workforce preparation, and apprenticeships. The activities offer students, primarily from at-risk neighborhoods, alternative activities other than gangs and drug use, shutting down “Prime Time for Juvenile Crime” (Taheri & Welsh, 2016, pp. 273-274).
The tertiary crime prevention program that is most successful is the Ex-offenders Job Placement Program. Ex-offenders face numerous challenges when acclimating to society, such as lack of employment. Their lack of experience, work history, and failure of employers to trust ex-offenders make it challenging to get jobs. Nevertheless, the ex-offender job placement program comes to their aid, trains them in self-discipline at work, and places them in permanent full-time jobs that offer benefits and a fair wage (Finn, n.d.). As a result, they are constantly engaged and have an income, which prevents them from committing crimes.
How each program is supported by a particular criminology theory
The psychological theories support the Family Therapy and Parental Training about Delinquency and Adolescents Program. According to the theory, a person’s learned behavior and actions are directly influenced by their biological dispositions and social experiences. Sigmund Freud argued that human nature is founded on instincts that demand gratification developed and driven by one’s love and attachment to their parents (Siegel, 2015, pp. 293-295). Thus, having a strong bond with parents helps develop positive instincts that drive positive behavior. Not having a close relationship with parents results in adopting harmful learned behavior.
The social learning theory supports Afterscho...
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