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Embrace Democratic Socialism

Essay Instructions:

Your task iss to write your own commentary on the question you have researched in assignments 1 and 2. Present and support your one-sided position with ideas and facts learned while researching your previous assignments and in other lectures and readings during the semester your op-ed should be between 650-750 words

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Embrace Democratic Socialism
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Embrace Democratic Socialism
The media is appalled by the number of people supporting democratic socialism, which brings the big question: Is the world changing views based on the benefits of democratic socialism? Personally, I strongly support democratic socialism because there should be equity in the society whereby the focus is not on a few people and what they desire. The focus should be on the majority and getting them from one position to the other. This paper will offer arguments in support of democratic socialism.
A majority of the people, especially in the United States, have witnessed inequality in the workplace, political space, universities, and neighborhoods. It has become impossible for these people to achieve the American dream. Lamont (2019) states that the American dream is unattainable due to growing inequality. Yet, it has been built on four tenets: the hope of success, equality of opportunity, virtue associated with success, traits and actions being in one's control if one wants to succeed. People who have experienced inequality will quickly join the wagon of democratic socialism. Since they have first-hand experience of what it feels to be segregated and their views overlooked. They know how it feels to want something so wrong and for them to be denied based on race, gender, or sexual orientation. I feel for these people as I know what it entails to be discriminated against and be at the forefront of demanding justice.
If we live in a democratic socialist country, people's rights need to be respected. Rights comprise several things, including being just and fair to people of all races. It means focusing on class hierarchy and calling out people who demean others just because they belong to a different social class, economic class, or socioeconomic class. Sampson (2019) indicates that racial disparities are predominant in today's world and can be felt in the economic mobility with income segregation and polarization in many urban neighborhoods. A democratic socialist society will fight unequal access to power, resources, and rights in the community. It will address how an individual can access education and the quality of education they can get. Hopkins (2019) argues that a democratic socialist society will give parents a say in their children's education since they are vital stakeholders in the educational marketplace. A justified stance as parents need to participate in curriculum development as they have the interest...
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