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Colonial Impact on Algerian Art and Culture

Essay Instructions:

700字 (700 words)

Research country: Algeria

The Country Research Project will help you develop in-depth knowledge about one African country. The project is worth 140 points of your overall grade. The project contains three steps which you will be required to perform at different stages of the course and submit as a word document. Each submission should be in a 12 point font size. The word limit is 1000 words minimum.

This project is essentially a writing assignment. You are expected to read, assess, and draw insights from sources to write your own informed work about an African country. Endeavor to provide a well-rounded, interesting picture of your country. Providing bare facts will lead to a very basic view. To help give a fuller picture of your assigned country, include relevant facts, responses, and analyses that bolster understanding of the topic.

The project consists of THREE steps, which you will be required to perform at different stages of the course. You will complete each step as a Word document and submit your completed assignment to the appropriate dropbox. The steps are as follows:

  • Step 1:  Colonial History and Political Context. (1000 words minimum)
         Due at the conclusion of Lesson 5 
  • Step 2:  Economy 
         Due at the conclusion of Lesson 8 (1000 words minimum)
  • Step 3:  Art/Culture
         Due at the conclusion of Lesson 11(1000 words minimum)


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Country Project 3
Institutional Affiliation
Country Project 3
Algerian culture and society were affected by 120 years of colonialism and the bitter struggle for independence. Algeria is a nation whose cultural continuity and identity was largely undermined by colonial rule. In the current society, Algerians are torn between traditions that no longer need their loyalty and modernism that is attractive. Yet, it has failed to satisfy their psychological and spiritual needs. However, certain groups like Tuaregs have managed to escape these conflicting pressures. French colonization had an enormous impact on various aspects of Algerian culture and art.
Part 1
Colonial impact on art and culture
Despite the growth of Latin and Arabic, in some cities, Berber was the major language used by Algerians since ancient times, even after French colonization. Elms (2019) notes that Arabic remained the official language of Algeria until 2002, when it was recognized as a national language. After colonization, schools were forced to use Arabic during learning and teaching. According to Vogl (2013), schools and tertiary education adopted Classical Arabic in all learning processes. However, the use of Arabic in higher education exposed the nation to international trends. The use of these modern languages resulted in international interaction, although it was limited some learners from accessing equal education opportunities.
Colonialism also left a significant impact on Algerian literature in terms of the link between Algerian writers and the French language. Since many Algerians learned French under colonial rule, most Algerian authors were torn between writing in Arabic and French after independence. After independence, most Algerians wanted to stop using the French language. Abdellatif Laab, a Moroccan poet, warned writers against using French as an instrument of culture or language of communication. Prominent Algerian writers stopped using French in writing but instead, they started using Berber or Arabic. However, others felt the French language was a positive impact on colonialism. For example, Kateb Yacine wrote a book called ‘war booty’ in French.
Even after colonization, Algeria has maintained the film industry lively. People were forced to endure pressure from the government and intimidation from Islamic extremists. After colonization, Algerians were able to produce better films than before. One of the first major post-colonial production was ‘the Battle of Algiers.’ Consequently, several films were produced by Merzark Allouache (Slyomovics, 2014). Like most North African nations, Algerian cuisine is influenced by French, Turkish, and Arab culinary traditions. Although western-style dishes like fast foods were common after colonization, traditional food products remain the best-liked in the nation.
After colonization, Algeria experienced dislocating clash between global mass culture and traditional culture. It is important to note that during this particular period and in the current society, Western popular music and Hollywood films have taken a lot of attention from young people at the expense of cultural and artistic expressions. Additionally, Islamic extremism rose in the nation whereby extremists opposed secular culture and art. Prominent Algerian musicians and authors were their targets. Due to these conflicts, people like Tahar Djaout, a novelist, were assassinated. Despite the efforts of the colonizers to modernize Algeria, the pull of traditional valued remained and remains strong. Whether one is living in a different country or Algeria, the atmosphere of Islam is permeated. Before colonization, marriage was regarded as a family affair instead of a matter of individual preference (Lazali, 2021). However, this tradition declined after colonization because women started taking a greater role in econo...
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