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Has the Council's Authority Expanded Over the Years, and How? Provide Concrete Examples

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subject is International Organisations and NGOs

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United Nations Security Council
Social Sciences
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The United Nations Organization was founded after World War II to advocate for political unity and peaceful coexistence among nations. Many nations subscribed to this body and penned agreement to the body through their various leaders of that time. United Nations Organization has various arms dealing with different issues. Some of these arms include ;UNEP ,addressing the environmental issues, UNHRC ,dealing with human rights, and Security Council among others. To foster for success in its operations, each state has signed a treaty supporting the body.
The United Nations Security Council is the organ concerned with ensuring peace and security. It arbitrates between nations in conflict to ensure that peace is restored. It deals with various criminal cases, such as terrorism, international conflicts and so on. In this study, the limits of the Council’s power in identifying threats to global security will be discussed. Furthermore, analysis will be done of whether the Council has been expanding or not.
The primary role of each Nation is to offer protection to its citizens. It is a requirement by the international laws as stipulated by the UN Security Council. It calls for all participating countries to give adequate internal security in their respective countries. The aim of such emphasis is to ensure that there is peace, tranquility and stability among the member nations of UN. Peace is very crucial for a country’s internal development. It fosters for growth and prosperity among the citizens of the country (Hultman, Kathman & Shannon, 2013). When the government in place restores and advocates for peace, the citizens in return appreciate and show their absolute loyalty to the State and also to each other.
Without peace, a nation becomes desolate and in a quagmire ,with no direction due to lack of proper guidance. People live in fear. Some cannot even trust their friends and family members.Consequently, even investors are scared away. It is important to note that investors are only attracted to countries mainly as a result of prevailing peace in the said nations. It gives a promise of stability both economically and politically. All developing countries depend on the investors for the growth of their economy. When these people are scared away, the economic scale of these Nations come to a standstill in terms of growth and expansion.
The United Nations Security Council not only advocates for peace within a country but also across the country’s borders. Currently, the body has been faced with various problems in executing its roles. First is the threat posed by the rise of global terrorism. These groups are out to disrupt peace while targeting particular events and countries.It relies wholly on the UN Security Council to declare a problem a threat to the international peace. This role has been under question and scrutiny.
Some terror groups that the Council has reported include, Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabaab, ISIL, ANF, among other affiliates. In describing these groups, the Council remarks that they carry out their work with the intention of violating human rights. They conduct inhuman killings of innocent individuals. Their aim is to abuse the human rights of innocent people who are loyal to their respective Countries and Authorities in place. These terrorist groups, therefore, openly violate the international humanitarian law set out by the United Nations that advocates for the prevention of such abuses and defiance acts.
Regarding the level of terror attacks and to accomplish the mandates of the UN Security Council in peacekeeping, many Resolutions have been made. Among them is the Resolution 2170. This Resolution addresses threats to international peace and security caused by the acts of terrorists. It delegates its mandates to each Nation to ensure that there is peace in their sovereignties. It illegalizes extrajudicial killings of civilians, soldiers and even State officers on whatever circumstances.
Killings based on cultural hatred, religious diversities, political differences, tribal or even race disparities are condemned. Intentional killings, mass execution, kidnapping of individuals and many more atrocities have also been on the rise. All these acts violate the rights of persons in which UN Security Council strongly advocates for. In many Nations experiencing such practices, there has been a lot of tension. People live in fear not sure to see the next hour or even minute. This scene forms a threat to the international peace and security.
As it fights the terrorists, the Council has faced criticism. Some of the organizations that have been at loggerheads with the Council’s resolutions include European Union Courts and Kadhi Courts. Being the sole body to declare a situation to be a threat to the peace and the security of the world has been of great deliberation. For instance, ECJ ruled that adoption of the resolutions of the UN Security Council is a direct violation of the fundamental rights.
In questioning the powers of the Security Council, the bigger body, United Nations Organization, is also brought into the spotlight. Its powers become of interest. Recommendations have thus been made to the UN body to review the mandates of the Security Council. It is seen to deprive the individual Nations rights to offer peace to their citizens. Therefore, the body is viewed to be not only a threat to the individual Countries but also to the UN system.
Many people have perceived the UN Security Council as the most powerful political institution that advocates for peace and reconciliation. During the Cold War, UN Security Council played a significant role that did not please many people(Hultman, Kathman & Shannon, 2013). As a result, when the war ended, people began to express dissatisfaction with the bod...
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