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Reflation Paper on Cross Cultural Communication Process

Essay Instructions:

In this paper I have two questions I need for each questions one paper. You wrote for me the this essay like Jamaica, hydroxycut and culture affliction. There fore use your experience and information to write. The instructor is looking for small details don't afraid to share it be spontaneous. If you have question message me. 
Course Assignments
Of the following assignments, please select ONE to discuss in detail. What was it you think you learned from the assignment related to how we communicate with one another across cultures? What skills and awareness from that experience will you bring forward to your future intercultural communication practice? 
1. Cultural affliction Essay ~ designed to explore value and meaning we impart to objects
2. The hydroxycut essay ~ your artistic, subversive group project that resists dominant media messaging
3. Jamaica essay your group’s case study of a culture 
Part two 
Learning Outcomes
Think about how you’ve changed as a communicator since this class began. Please comment on your learning journey in light of the following course learning outcomes (choose two or three). Include your experiences of what you discover in writing culture affliction essay, the hydroxycut and Jamaica essay. use concepts and vocabulary from the internet to support your answer, rather than a stream of consciousness.
• Identify, appreciate, and share the beliefs, values, and norms of their own culture while developing a capacity to appreciate and be inclusive of others
• Progress from an ethnocentric toward an ethno-relative state of understanding and welcoming of differences
• View cultural differences objectively and understand that differences are not simply natural or hierarchical
• Recognize and articulate differences and commonalities in dominant cultural patterns
• Seek out information from a variety of sources, including print, media, personal interviews and site visitations such as the internet, museums, restaurants, schools and organizations
• Evaluate information gathered about a culture in light of its being authentic or stereotypical in nature
• Show respect and interest in the choices and activities of others as well as one’s self

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cross Cultural Communication
Cross Cultural Communication
From a very young age people are imprinted with the various cultural aspects and practices that are practiced in their culture and basically in the society. Most people do not even realize that they have certain elemental cultural imprints until they encounter other cultural differences from interacting with different people (DuPraw & Axner, 2016). Much of the cultural practices are adapted subconsciously. Each and every culture has its own set of rules, values, anxieties, knowledge, beliefs and phobias that separate it from the rest of the cultures. Effective communication across cultures requires that both parties understand that there are differences between their cultures and laiying down any form of prejudice that they may have. This is a stage that can largely be associated with appreciating that differences between the two cultures exist. As such, they also appreciate the diversity of the cultures. It is also crucial for the parties to try and understand some of the commonly used gestures in the different cultures as well as those that are not common ("Communicating Across Cultures", 2011). Common gestures have different meanings in the different cultures and they are some of the most likely elements that bring about conflict from misinterpretation in use (DuPraw & Axner, 2016). Other than that, the gestures that not common among the cultures also tend to build quality relations between the parties, as they are an indication of genuine appreciation of the unique cultural practices from the different parties. Understanding the differences that brings about some common ground where the parties are able to communicate with limited affliction that comes with the differences in their intrinsic practices. It is also important for the parties to keep an open relationship, where they explain some of the basic practices that they feel are important to them so that they ar...
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