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Three Models of Addiction: Disease of the Human Spirit

Essay Instructions:

Discuss in detail the essential features of the three models (bio, psycho, social) of addiction addressed this module/week. Consider then how the "Disease of the Human Spirit" fits or does not fit within the models already discussed. Discuss the addict and spiritual bankruptcy/void of a relationship with God. In what way does your biblical worldview and/or biblical insights impact the way you respond to the previous questions?
Please don't forget 600 words far topic essay, and 200 words for replies to class

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Models of Addiction
Three Models of Addiction
Addiction can be explained using a number of models, which include the physiological model, the social model, and the psychological model. The physiological model is featured mainly by the existence of an addiction gene, which calls for additional research. In addition to that, this model focuses on the biology and physiology behind addiction and how vulnerability and disposition could expose an individual to addiction.
The social model pays attention to society and how social structures may have an influence on a person leading to addiction. This model focuses on social norms and how addiction is associated with going against social norms. In addition to that, the model focuses on factors such as peer pressure, peer influence, availability of addiction materials, social policies among other social issues associated with addiction and promotion of addiction (DiClemente, 2006). The social model helps in identifying the kind of relationships that would be considered healthy or unhealthy in the context of addiction and how these relations could influence or discourage addiction depending on their type.
The psychological model deals more with the cognitive aspect of a human being and how people deal with stress. This model features the different kind of relationships that may affect us emotionally and hence a trigger for addiction for some people. It also pays emphasis on the relationship that an individual has with other people, with God as well as with peers (Olmstead, 2011). This model deals with the relation between the cognitive and behavioral aspects of human beings and how this may influence the way they think or the way they respond to stress.
The three models can be integrated to form the bio-psycho-socio-spiritual model, which is a mix of all these models. The integrated model is very efficient since it includes the relation between the models and how they are all related to addiction. This model focuses on the recovery process of addiction and indicates that there is more than one way to recovery from addiction (Twerski, 2009). This is based on the fact that addiction is mainly caused by a confluence of many factors, which are interrelated unlike the concept of being influenced by one aspect. This means that one aspect’s positivity may help in reducing the negativity caused by another aspect.
Disease of the Human Spirit
In as much as diseases are associated with the body, and there exists a disease model of addiction, it also affects another aspect of the human, which is the human spirit. According to the disease mode, addiction, just like any other disease is against the will of the addict. The theory claims that since addiction may be against the will of the addict, it would not be wrong to coerce the individual into going through the recovery process (Dun...
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