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Continuum of crime. Situational crime prevention. My proposal

Essay Instructions:

Final Project: You have been appointed by the Governor as the Director of the Department of Public Safety. You have been asked to create a continuum of crime. Develop a program to address this continuum of crime. Identify stakeholders and why you would choose them. Describe the program you have developed to address this continuum of crime and discuss how you would fund this program. Include both intervention and prevention in relation to crime. This proposal should be no less than eight pages and no more than ten pages. Include your continuum of crime in your proposal.

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Continuum of Crime
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Continuum of Crime
Preventions program in a community targets to institute strategic changes in how prevention, intervention, and handling of crime are done in a community. The program also suggests diverse methods that can be used in curbing crime rates. The strategies may seek the cooperation of the community, local leaders, law enforcers and the local government for proper execution. However, crime must be clearly defined to find out what it implies in this context. Crime can best be defined as acting or behaving in a way that breaks the criminal laws of an area. Crime prevention aims at reducing victimization, avert crime and arrest perpetrators.
The government applies crime prevention so as to enforce the law and maintain criminal justice. Over the years there have been a lot of programs that have been rolled out to help curb crime in different states. This paper seeks to develop a program that will help Houston city improve its crime intervention and prevention and hence impact positively on the general security of the City which is among the City's strategic development goals.
Continuum of Crime
In the United States, there are several cities which have a history of high crime rates, I wish to take a close look at the crime statistics of three cities of San Diego, California; Houston, Texas, and Detroit, Michigan. Analyzing the existing data on crime rates, I found different readings and interesting statistics each year. Basing on the statistics, Detroit has witnessed a reduction in crime rate from violent robberies to property crime going down and is likely to drop further. In 2010 violent crime rate in Detroit was higher than the national crime rate in the excess of 367.58% with property crime rate also surpassing the national rate average by 80.6%.
Comparing Detroit with Michigan, Detroit's violent crime rate was high by 284.94 with its property crime rate exceeding that of Michigan too. Houston overall crime statistics showed a general trend of increase in crime rate, both violent crime, and property crime. Basing on the trends from the statistics it is expected that there will be an increase in crime over the next few years in Houston. Its violent crime rate was higher than Texas by 118.98% and the national rate of property crime has been surpassed. The statistics also pointed out the national crime rate being lower than that for Inglewood City, but California surpasses the violent crime rate in the city by 9.57% (Levine, 2015)
My proposal
To prevent and reduce crime, I propose that the Local government enacts a legislation that will ensure that upon release from incarceration all offenders are registered. The registration will make it easier to ensure that they get absorbed back into the society as good citizens, they can employ based on their qualifications and be given a place to stay. These programs will be instigated to prevent them from being repeat offenders. Parole officers will be tasked to ensure that the offenders report on time and report on any developments to the Department of Public Safety. When out of view of their parole officers should wear an ankle monitor for continuous monitoring.
There are different strategies that crime prevention programs can take depending on the involved parties. The strategies will be influenced by the situation being handled, the environment or the people. Crime prevention through social development (CPSD) is the strategy that people-based and derives solutions through the activities of the residents. Another strategy that will be used is the (CPTED) Crime prevention through environmental design, its strategies based on the area or place. When applied these strategies homogeneously create a strong crime prevention policy.
Crime Prevention through Social Development (CPSD)
Crime Prevention through Social Development (CPSD) tackles the root cause of crime in a society by employing long-term strategies. The approach aims at reducing factors contribute to people getting into crime, especially children, and youths by building protective factors that will mitigate the risks. Among the factors that lead to crime involvement are social problems like child abuse, alcohol, and substance abuse, dropping out of school, teenage pregnancy and unemployment. To make the City safer we will have to make the make the community healthy, safe and sustainable.
Research has proven that the environment influences a person's chances of getting involved in crime. An example is when a mother has poor pre-natal care (bad diet, lack of proper clinic checkups and alcohol abuse), these can affect the fetal development and lead to the mother giving birth to an unhealthy baby with low weight, fetal alcohol syndrome and damaged the brain. Having an already destroyed being with the chances of turning to crime. Children with cognitive problems and lack proper nurturing care in their childhood years are susceptible to risky behavior, like getting involved in criminal activities (Rawlinson, 2004).
Using CPSD the City will work at ensuring its residents are of good health, they become responsible for their environment and are hardworking. In a large City, some people may get tempted to utilize some bad opportunities for their own benefit or to do wrong. CPSD will help in promoting a culture of non-violence and respect among the residents and respect for other people's properties. Also, the Youths will be guided on how to resist peer pressure and how to make good decisions.
Implementation of CPSD will be undertaken at three levels:
At the primary level, this will involve population-based programs that will include public education on how crime can be combated and the role the community will play for the goal to be attained. It will also involve the provision of healthcare to ensure the well-being of residents. At the secondary level, this will include programs rolled out to target those who are at a great risk of getting involved in criminal activities.
At secondary level , counseling programs for youth who are on the verge of dropping out of school. Parents with high-risk of getting involved in crime will be handled at this stage to mitigate the risks. The tertiary level will involve the use of correctional facilities and rehabilitation. This will include supervised programs for first offenders and communal effort in integrating ex-convicts back into the society as changed and improved people.
Crime Prevention through environmental design (CPTED)
This approach will involve mapping of crime hotspots in the City and find out places and things that are always the target of criminal activity. To reduce incidents of crime and fear, the environment should be built and maintained. Having well-lit streets and unused structures or ruins brought down will improve the quality of life and also curb crime. CPTED and CPSD are interrelated as peoples' behavior is influenced by both the built and external environment. CPTED views crime as opportunistic and contextual. A poorly planned and designed place, without proper lighting leads to actual crime opportunities or increases fear of crime (Armitage, Joyce, & Monchuk, 2018). The principles of CPTED will help curb and prevent future problems. They include:
Natural access control- Having residential buildings built in a way that it will be easy to monitor the flow of ...
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