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The Hegemony Process of the US and the Establishment of the White Nationhood

Essay Instructions:

Understand how a wealthy family like the Trumps is closely linked to the hegemony formation process of the United States and how it relates to the establishment of a white nationhood. Please see the detailed requirement in the attachment.

1- Understand how a wealthy family like the Trumps is closely linked to the hegemony formation process of the United States and how it relates to the establishment of a white nationhood.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Hegemony Process of the US and the Establishment of the White Nationhood
The Hegemony Process of the US and the Establishment of the White Nationhood
The wealthy families of the US are believed to be linked to the hegemony formation process of the country and how the dominance relates to the establishment of the White nationhood. The idea has been proved by various articles and documentary videos. Therefore, the work focuses on some of the articles and videos that give a clear understanding of the concept.
According to ‘’Seneca Village: African Americans in early New York’’ (2018), the Central Park of the US was built on lands that were majorly inhabited by the Black communities. An example is the Seneca Village which had two thirds of its population being Blacks while the remaining piece was inhabited by the other races, mainly the Irish. Further, the video shows that the nation had economic and financial problems during the time of the eviction which made it difficult to those who lost their properties to regain stability. In fact, the Blacks were not allowed to vote at the time with an exception to those who owned 250 acres of land and had stayed in the area for at least 3 years.
The article ‘’The Black Worker’’ further provides information on how the Black men who were transported to the US in the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries set the history of the nation. The people were once considered a challenge to the nation’s democracy, but later contributed to its social development and economic history. The nation practiced aristocratic system of governance before the arrival of the Black workers. The Blacks were forced to work on plantations which increased the urge for land monopoly and factory system. The unfair distribution of political power resulted into more Africans being transported to the country, new opportunities, freedom, and democracy. Some of the ideas that came as a result of the slave trade during the time were the slave trade laws and the disenfranchisement of the Blacks. The issues raised attentions which contributed to the country’s democracy, social, and economic developments.
Similarly, the article ‘’How Capitalism Underdeveloped Black America’’ explains that the White affluent families obtained their wealth from the powerless Black Africans. Also, the high income that is possessed by a few people is connecte...
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