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Investigate the history of slavery and discuss the ways in which this history impacts contemporary society

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Investigate the history of slavery and discuss the ways in which this history impacts contemporary society

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Influence of Slavery on the Modern Music
Slavery refers to a situation in which some individuals in the society own people and control where they live, and what they do. It has been there throughout history in different regions and periods. For example, the ancient Greeks, Aztecs, and the Romans had slaves who used to work for them. The practice began a long time ago in the post-colonial period where mainly the Africans did offer forced labor to their masters. Slavery occurred in many regions, but it was widespread in the Southern America where they were exposed in harsh circumstances. Because of such conditions and restricted movements, the slaves had to come up with a way of expressing their pain and disapproval of the activities by composing music and singing amongst them. Moreover, music was also a symbol of hope because some songs expressed their expectations concerning the end of slavery. Music was also used to kill dreariness and instill morale as they performed their daily duties. Because of the constant utilization of songs as a form of expression, the standards used during the slavery period are still there in the modern society. The current society has embraced the use of music as a manner of expressing their thoughts, and different songs are for distinct reasons and occasion. Moreover, the use of musical instruments such as drums and other practices including the clapping of hands that were introduced by the slaves have been extensively adopted. Through referring to the history of slavery, there is an increased awareness all over the globe via music. The paper investigates the history and discusses how it affects the contemporary music in the world.
According to Bush (2006, November 2), the African slaves used music as a type of resistance against their domineering white masters. It was a form of expressing their discontentment while in slavery. Although there were many other ways of showing their disapproval of slavery, music was an indirect way. Besides, it was also used as a symbol of preserving the African culture, religion, and ceremonies. The masters saw the continuous use of music by the African slaves as a threat. They felt that the capability of slaves unanimously expressing themselves would instill courage to the former to rebel against their owners.
Moreover, the use of songs or music as a way of expressing thoughts and to resistance continues to be used in the Caribbean music culture in the modern society. Noticeably, dance accompanies music to exemplify cultural expression and resistance as stated in Bush (2006, November 2). For instance, one can note that the Caribbean Islands continue to use similar or fused styles of music that were used by the slave in expressing their thoughts and resistance during the slave trade era. Jamaican reggae, African-American rap, and raga are some of the styles that continue to influence the contemporary society and have affected the black British music (Bush, 2006, November 2). The instruments used such as drums and rhythms of this music can be traced back to Africa, and the music has spread across the world and not in the Caribbean region only. For instance, various people have embraced Jamaican reggae and raga across the world. Musicians such as the band, UB40 all the way from the United Kingdom adopted the reggae music that originated from the Caribbean Island especially Jamaica. Moreover, some of the most significant fans of reggae and raga or dancehall music include the Japanese, Americans, and the citizens of the UK. However, the genre is loved and celebrated across the globe
Another influence of the history of slavery in contemporary society is the spread of Rap Music and Hip Hop. Howard and Jeremiah (2015, January 1) show that the rap music is influenced by slavery, as it is evident in songs. Most of the song references slavery experiences, and the contemporary musicians are conscious both culturally and politically. The black consciousness that was triggered by the slavery conditions resulting in resistance is extensively ordinary in the modern rap music. Frequently musicians refer to the history of slavery and slave trade in addressing the issue of oppression as well as freedom. For example, a song “I own my own masters” by Jay Z brags how the modern black person has power over the white people as opposed to the situation in the slavery era (Howard & Jeremiah, 2015, January 1). Besides, rap music always mentions ex-slave figures such as Harriet Tubman and Nat Turner among others. Besides rap music, Hip Hop was the primary way through which slaves in the USA to express disapproval of slavery as well as other ideas. African culture and experiences during the slavery era have always been significant apart of the blacks in the diaspora. Therefore, ...
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