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Community and Social Justice Perspectives

Essay Instructions:
Legal and Ethical Issues in Human Service . Module 8: Community and Social Justice Perspectives Module 8: Portfolio Project Portfolio Project: Revisit and Evaluate Self-Assessment (350 Points) Revisit, or if helpful, retake, the self-assessment at the end of the course textbook Chapter 1, which surveys attitudes about ethical and professional issues, and which you took as a Week 1 Portfolio Milestone assignment at the beginning of the course. Based on the evolution of your thinking about ethical and legal practices in the field of human services throughout the course, revisit the notes you have taken on the self-assessment during each module and then submit a critical essay that accounts for each of the following items: 1.Describe what you consider to be the most important shifts, revisions, or additions to your thinking about ethical practice on five specific survey items. Specify on which of these items and in which areas of ethics your thinking has changed most and explain the changes. 2.Explain how the evolution of your thinking on these issues reflects on what constitutes an ethical practitioner in the field, naming, applying, and critically evaluating applicable codes of ethics. 3.Offer a critique of the self-assessment instrument itself. Was the instrument useful in terms of helping gauge your acquisition of knowledge in human services ethics? Why or why not? What improvements to the instrument would you suggest, if any? 4.Of all of the ethical codes you have reviewed in this course, identify two that you feel are the most essential to your thinking and explain why. 5.Of all of the ethical codes you have reviewed in this course, identify two that you feel are the least essential or that constitute a hindrance to your thinking on ethics and professional practices and explain why. Discuss and cite at least three credible or scholarly sources, at least two of which are not the course textbook, to support your analysis and positions. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find scholarly sources. Your paper should be 8 to 10 pages in length with document and citation formatting per CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Portfolio Milestone Assignment Due before Sunday Midnight of Week 2 Based on your records and notes regarding the Self-Assessment you took during Week 1 and discussion of the self-assessment in the Week 1 Discussion forum, summarize your initial reflections on what the survey reveals about ethical and legal practices in the field of human services. Your summary should be at least 1 page in length. References : Module Introduction 1 Readings Required - Chapters 1 & 2 in Issues & Ethics in the Helping Professions -Module 1 Issues & Ethics in the Helping Professions PowerPoint Presentation -National Association of Social Workers. (n.d.). Code of ethics of the National Association of Social Workers. Retrieved from http://www(dot)socialworkers(dot)org/pubs/code/code.asp -National Organization for Human Services. (2013). Ethical standards for human service professionals. Retrieved from http://www(dot)nationalhumanservices(dot)org/ethical-standards-for-hs-professionals Module Introduction 2 Readings Required -Chapter 3 & 4 in Issues & Ethics in the Helping Professions -Module 2 Issues & Ethics in the Helping Professions PowerPoint Presentation -Death with Dignity National Center. (n.d.) Retrieved from http://www(dot)deathwithdignity(dot)org Module Introduction 3 Readings Required -Chapters 5 & 6 in Issues & Ethics in the Helping Professions -Module 3 Issues & Ethics in the Helping Professions PowerPoint Presentation -National Conference of State Legislatures. (2013, January). Mental health professionals' duty to warn/protect. Retrieved from http://www(dot)ncsl(dot)org/research/health/mental-health-professionals-duty-to-warn.aspx Readings Required -Chapters 9 & 10 in Issues & Ethics in the Helping Professions -Module 5 Issues & Ethics in the Helping Professions PowerPoint Presentation -The Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. (2011). Best practices in clinical supervision. Retrieved from https://www(dot)liberty(dot)edu/media/1152/ACES_Best_Practices_in_Clinical_Supervision.pdf Recommended -National Association of Social Workers. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www(dot)naswdc(dot)org -Pearson, Q. M. (2004). Getting the most out of clinical supervision: Strategies for mental health. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 26(4), 361-373. Retrieved from http://pegasus(dot)cc(dot)ucf(dot)edu/~drbryce/Getting%20the%20Most%20from%20Supervision.pdf Recommended -Bahnke, K. (2004). Informed consent and APA's new ethics code: Enhancing client autonomy, improving client care. Retrieved from http://www(dot)apa(dot)org/monitor/jun04/ethics.aspx -Beahrs, J. O., & Gutheil, T. G. (2001). Informed consent in psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychiatry 158:1 (4-10). Retrieved from http://ajp(dot)psychiatryonline(dot)org/doi/abs/10.1176/appi.ajp.158.1.4 Module Introduction 5 Readings Required -Chapters 9 & 10 in Issues & Ethics in the Helping Professions -Module 5 Issues & Ethics in the Helping Professions PowerPoint Presentation -The Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. (2011). Best practices in clinical supervision. Retrieved from https://www(dot)liberty(dot)edu/media/1152/ACES_Best_Practices_in_Clinical_Supervision.pdf Recommended -National Association of Social Workers. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www(dot)naswdc(dot)org -Pearson, Q. M. (2004). Getting the most out of clinical supervision: Strategies for mental health. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 26(4), 361-373. Retrieved from http://pegasus(dot)cc(dot)ucf(dot)edu/~drbryce/Getting%20the%20Most%20from%20Supervision.pdf Module Introduction Readings Required - Chapter 11 in Issues & Ethics in the Helping Professions -Module 6 Issues & Ethics in the Helping Professions PowerPoint Presentation Recommended -American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www(dot)aamft(dot)org/iMIS15/AAMFT/ Module Introduction 7 Readings Required -Chapter 12 in Issues & Ethics in the Helping Professions -Module 7 Issues & Ethics in the Helping Professions PowerPoint Presentation -Thomas, R. V., & Pender, D. A. (2007). Association for specialists in group work: Best practice guidelines 2007 Revisions. Retrieved from http://static1(dot)squarespace(dot)com/static/55cea634e4b083e448c3dd50/t/55d3f792e4b08c827e15cb79/1439954834126/ASGW_Best_Practices.pdf Recommended -Kaplan, D. M., Wade, M. E., Conteh, J. A., & Martz, E. T. (2011). Legal and ethical issues surrounding the use of social media in counseling. Counseling and Human Development, April. Retrieved from http://go(dot)galegroup(dot)com/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CA275311436&v=2.1&u=nysl_me_tci&it=r&inPS=true&prodId= AONE&userGroupName=nysl_me_tci&p=AONE&digest=ee3b8dcedeb89c7e504cd380d8631ed4&rssr=rss Module Introduction 8 Readings Required -Chapter 13 in Issues & Ethics in the Helping Professions -Module 8 Issues & Ethics in the Helping Professions PowerPoint Presentation For Your Success
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Summary of Self-Assessment Chika Durueke HSM420-1 -Legal and Ethical Issues in Human Services Colorado State University - Global Campus Dr. Suzie Johnson April 17, 2016 Self-assessment Service providers that give direct care but, however, are not required to take an independent review are always required to attempt a self-assessment and quality improvement planning process utilizing the instrument created by the Department of Health and Human Services. My initial reflections on what the survey reveals about ethical and legal practices in the field of human services are that practically self-assessment involves an organization to look into how operations are run within, how they are achieved and measured against criteria. Also, during the process of self-assessment, an organization's weakness, strengths, and opportunities for growth are identified, through a report each service provider tenders. These reports include how well the service provider is meeting the human service standards and the management indicators. Clearly, self-assessment is an excellent opportunity for human service providers to confirm areas where as an individual meets the ethics and legal practices of the profession, also identifying gaps in the current systems and processes that do not meet the standards and legal practices including governance. Having identified these deficiencies, they should come up with a plan of actions to address these gaps in the process. The inventory survey is recommendable to every potential service provider because it portrays the challenges that come with learning how to think critically and how to apply general ethical principles in every decision making. Also, how to solve the various professional and ethical issues that help in professional encounter thereby prompting the preparedness to overcome those challenges. Personally, it has indeed affected my attitude in a positive way especially with the complexities of making an ethical decision. The important part of this openness of the survey is the willingness to focus on oneself as a person, as a professional as well as the questions obviously meant for the clients (Corey and Callanan, 2015). Ethical codes under specific survey on self-assessment Service is offering help to the needy in society regarding their social problems. The individuals who are entitled to offer this service are referred to as the social workers. For one to become are social worker he or she has to dedicate his or her knowledge and skills towards achieving the set goal of a certain field of affiliation. Most of the social workers in the service sector are greatly encouraged to have the dedication to a limitless level and with no expectation of payback nor profit (NASW, 2015). From the course, as a learner, I have been able to identify that there are several characteristics or practices which are attached to service deliverance which before the learning I was not aware of. Basically, on service one needs to be committed to offering service to the client accordingly. The social workers need to learn that the most important component of their job are the clients, and they should be attended to well. They should be committed to serving their clients no matter what condition. From the course, I have learned that payment for such services should not be guaranteed to perfect performance as underpayment they should also perform extensively to their clients (Thomas & Pender, 2008). They should less expect bribing and other acts of corruption. Social justice is another area where the code of ethics self-assessment can be surveyed on. Social workers have the responsibility to fight the injustices acts within the society. Interaction within the society for the social workers might be vulnerable to the social injustices. It is the responsibility of the social workers to fight against the social injustices (ACES, 2011). Moreover, it is the duty of the social workers to make sure that the society gets access to materials such as information and resources which they have the right to access them. The social workers have the responsibility to aid in decision making pertaining the society. From this, I identified some of the emerging issues which include sexual harassment. The social service providers are advised that they should never get themselves in a sexual relationship with their clients as this will be a violation of their rights and malpractices with thin the social justice field. Moreover, there is a need to have competency. The reason for this is that there are some critical decisions which the social worker have to make, and therefore they need to be informed about the decisions and the matters surrounding the issue. Dignity Dignity and worth of a person are also another sectors where the code of ethic can be surveyed under self-assessment for the social service providers. As a social worker, one should respect and uphold the dignity of himself and even the clients. This is observed from the way the social worker handles the individual and how he or she conduct themselves within the society. As a social worker, one should be keen to uphold and sustain the client's interests and use the best corrective measures to help clients with different perceptions on a certain issue in the society without tempering with their dignity and their thoughts (ACES, 2011). The social workers should work towards promoting self-determination within their community. In conjunction to this, there are additional lessons and ideas learned from the course. Privacy and confidentiality are one of the basic components in upholding the dignity of an individual as a social worker. Clients don't like it when the social workers end up disclosing some of their confidential information about them. They end up getting embarrassed by such acts. For the social workers to hold their dignity, they should practice this with no doubts. Besides privacy and confidentiality, I learned that the social workers also need to apply the correct language when interacting with their clients. As a social worker, one should not practice the derogatory language. They should use respectful language to their clients at all times. Integrity Social service provider's self-assessment is also done through judging and rating according to their integrity. As a social worker, one should behave in a trustworthy manner. Their behaviours should never be doubted, and they should be right to the client. All social workers are entitled to act in a correct and responsible ways to their clients (NASW, 2015). They are entitled to promote integrity in their areas of affiliation. There are various rising issues as per what the course have equipped me. Cultural competency and social diversity are one of the issues. Social workers interact with different societies. They should, therefore, be able to understand different cultures and individual behaviours to help them interact effectively. Social workers should also avoid being ethnic and should act and treat each other equally. W...
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