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HLS 625 Discussion Forum 4

Essay Instructions:
Distinguish between a disaster recovery plan (DRP) and a continuity of operations plan (COOP). Does your organization have each of these? Explain.
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HLS 625 Discussion Forum 4 Name Institution Date HLS 625 Discussion Forum 4 A disaster recovery plan (DRP) also known as a business continuity plan (BCP), or business process contingency plan (BPCP) is a description of how an organization can deal, handle potential disasters, and also how the business can resume quickly and effectively after a certain disaster. A disaster can occur and make the continuation of daily and normal functions impossible (Sasireka, 2013). A continuity of operations plan also known as the national continuity policy implementation plan (NCPIP) is en effort within executive departments individually, and also agencies to ensure primary mission essential functions (PMEFs) are performed continually during emergencies including acts of nature, technological attacks and accidents (Jack, 2015). Because there is an increased dependency of information technology to run business operations in organizations, disasters can occur. Such disasters can be natural or manmade (act of terrorism). In the event there is risk of data loss, which can have an impact to the organization, a consistent action can be taken during, before, and after a disaster. As a result, a disaster recovery plan and a continuity of operations is necessary (Adnan, Alijani, & Roosevelt, 2011). A disaster recovery plan differs from a continuity of operations (COOP) in that a DRP is a process or set of procedures, which are documented in written form to protect and recover data or IT infrastructure in the event of natural or manmade disaster, whereas a COOP is an effort within a department or agencies that ensures essential precautions are performed in response to a wide range of disasters such as terrorist attack, or natural disasters such as fire (Whitworth, 2006). A local organization should adopt both DRP and COOP plan to minimize the effect of disasters. The primary goal is to protect the organization in the event that its operations are rendered unusable. In conclusion, a disaster can spawn in anytime and make the continuity of operations impossible in an organization. A disaster recovery plan is a set of procedures documented in written form to protect and recover data loss in the event of disaster. The disaster can be natural (fire disaster), or manmade (terrorist attacks). A continuity of operation plan is an effort within a department or agency that ensures the essential precaution is taken into account in response to a wide range of disasters such as terrorist attacks, and natural disasters. A disaster recovery plan differs from a continuity of operation in that a COOP responds to a wide range of disasters within agencies or department initiated by a state whereas a disaster recovery plan responds to disasters within an organization. References Sasirekha, V. (2013). Require...
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