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Childhood Obesity and Routine

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This is a human growth and development undergraduate class. 3-5 pages I am only asking 4. Abstract not required. Times Roman 12pt font, have inch margins, double spaced and use proper APA citations. Word

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Childhood Obesity
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Childhood Obesity
Childhood obesity is a combination of different illnesses. A child is obese when their weight is significantly greater than other children of their age and height. It can be due to many reasons, including improper food choices, insufficient exercise, depression, genetics, and hormone imbalance. The symptoms of obesity are similar in children as well as in adults. Our food contains nutrients that give us the energy to carry vital life activities (Sanyaolu et al., 2019). If a person consumes more food than they can shed off with their physical activity in a day, the extra energy from food will store as fats. Such a person is likely to suffer from being overweight.
Routine and Obesity
The behaviour has a significant impact on one's physique. Intake of fatty foods that are rich in calories makes a person gain weight fast. Additionally, food that lacks proper nutrition, e.g., soda and excess fast food, may be harmful. A sedentary lifestyle with less physical activity like watching television, playing online rather than going out, and sleeping post meals contributes to an unhealthy weight gain.
On the contrary, incorporating healthy food into your diet and keeping your macronutrients in check is the key to a healthy life. Macros include those supplements that our body requires in ample proportions. These include carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Being physically active and going to games helps a child maintain weight (Sanyaolu et al., 2019). Children between 6 and 17 should do vigorous activity for at least an hour every day, whereas those between three and five years should be physically active throughout the day for optimum development. The amount of calorie intake and calorie burn should be continuous (Health.Gov, 2020). An imbalance in either of the two will lead to malnutrition. Greater calorie cut down than calorie consumption makes a child weak, lethargic, and significantly loses weight. More calorie consumption and less calorie burn cause obesity. It can be due to many psychological and eating disorders. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle also keep many long-term illnesses at bay. Other risk factors of chronic also lessen.
Role of Environment
The environment has a significant impact on children’s choices, including what they eat. Eating healthy and doing enough physical activity can be challenging, especially in a surrounding that does not support it. Schools...
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