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Free market reproduction Social Sciences Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Medical Ethic Topic: Free market reproduction (for or against)

Questions to answer:

-What are the key points of contention on this topic?

-What side of the argument (stance) do you take on this topic?

-What strong points does the other side of this topic have?

-Choose an ethical theory (Choose from these ONLY – Kant; Act Utilitarianism; Rule

Utilitarianism; Care Ethics; Virtue Ethics; and Social Contract) that you would apply to the weekly topic to defend your stance? Explain fully. At least 250 words.

Make that your one-page paper has the following

A) In this reflection you must define the key terms of the debate (for example, define IVF)

B) Define and explain the specific ethical theory you chose (show me you know exactly what the theory is and does – in your own words)

C) Present the evidence both pro and con and follow up how using your ethical theory is the best way to determine whether or not your stance is really ethical

D) Conclusion – any final thoughts and opinions. This is not optional, but instead a place to interject your own personal point of view.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Free Market Reproduction
Free Market Reproduction
It is the wish of most people to start a family and a nuclear family. However, other people cannot give birth because of health reasons. Others may be in danger of carrying a pregnancy despite conceiving. Because of these and other reasons, health and family scientists developed the In Vitro Fertilization, IVF, where the egg of a man and a woman are joined in an experimental laboratory dish for fertilization (Nargund et al., 2017). This way, the family can have a child. However, the practice might look positive, but I do not advocate for free-market reproduction.
John Stuart Mill developed the Utilitarian theory, an ethical theory that states that an action is right if it results in society's collective happiness. Mill discourages actions that might jeopardize happiness or negatively affect the actor and the community at large. I base my argument on Mill Utilitarian theory (Cohen & Ahn, 2016). Free Market Reproduction does not result in the collective happiness of the society.
The women who donate the eggs often live with distress for the rest of their lives. Most times, the conscience accuses them that they prioritized money and sold part of the body. It is more disturbing when they see the product of the...
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