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Children as Vulnerable Beings: Media Analysis Paper

Essay Instructions:

The following components are required:

-Length: 5 pages total (double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font)

-APA title page

-Visual: A page following the title page that includes the visual representation you have selected (you can include a screen shot, scan, photo, mobile photo of your visual as long as the grader can clearly view your visual. The visual should be displayed as large as possible (i.e: it should take up as much space of the page as possible). Please also cite the source that you retrieved your representation from underneath the image – do not use a photo you have taken of a child for this assignment. Include a title of the childhood discourse that you are discussing in the visual. (eg: for an image that portrays children as powerful, the title could be ‘Children as Powerful Agents;’ for an image that portrays children as vulnerable, the title could be ‘Children as Vulnerable Beings.’).

-Introduction: introduce/explain the visual you have selected and highlight the key ideas about children/youth that it portrays (the visual can represent more than one idea about children/youth). (Approximately 1 page).

-Part 1: Expand on and unpack what ideas of children and youth are portrayed in this digital representation and reflect on how they are both useful and problematic (Approximately 1.5 pages). You are required to draw on four academic sources (The class textbook can be used as one academic source).

-Part 2: Reflect on why these representations are important and why they matter/how they impact the lives of children and youth. (Approximately 2 pages).

-Conclusion: conclude by summarizing your paper (.5 page).

-APA or MLA reference page


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Children as Vulnerable Beings
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
INCLUDEPICTURE \d "C:\\var\\folders\\8z\\tc5vzfh94z5d2n1qwmg45vkw0000gn\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\poverty-in-africa.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET
Children as Vulnerable Beings
The visual above depicts a young child between 1-2 years in shabby and a littered environment eating a snack wrapping. From the picture, it is evident that the child collected the piece of paper from the hip of litter. This image is a perfect illustration of the dangers children are exposed to at a very young age. The child is half-dressed in the photo and does not have shoes, which predisposes him to physical harm. Notably, the child seems like he has an injury in the leg. The image illustrates the extent and magnitude to which poor living conditions such as environmental pollution, hunger, and poverty expose children to danger.
Furthermore, it is plausible to state that children are prone to so much danger because of their young age and high dependence on adults to take care of them. In the absence of adults, children can unconsciously expose themselves to immense danger both physically and emotionally. However, while all children are vulnerable by nature, they are not equally so: child vulnerability is a relative and not absolute state. Children are curious beings and are bound to explore their immediate environment. Despite the nature or condition of the household, children will interact and adapt to the environment as they become part of their reality. Moreover, the picture reiterates the rallying call by social workers to protect children. Common mistakes such as leaving a child unattended in a hostile and poverty-stricken can expose the child to the risk of abuse that can affect the individual's future well-being.
Ideas of Children and how they are useful and Problematic
According to the hierarchy of needs and power in society, children are the most vulnerable people compared to adolescents. Children have no control over their actions and are mostly uncautious behavior curated by their immediate environment. At their young age, they have no control over what happens in their lives and have a higher probability of being affected by hunger, environment pollution, and poverty. The digital representation of the child feeding on leftover snacks puts the child at an increased risk of contracting diseases. This environment is not conducive for a child and can impair his/ her temperament and socially acquired values later on in life. Exposing a child to such an unhealthy environment will lead to health complications at a very young age, which will cause other underlying problems as the child grows. The photo speaks volumes and advocates for parents' need to cultivate a warm parental relationship with their children from a very young age to monitor their activities and ensure the children have access to an organized home environment (Livingstone & Palmer, 2012).
Furthermore, it is essential to cultivate healthy bonds with extended family members to take care of the children when the parents are busy. It is also pertinent for individuals to stop environment pollution from providing a conducive environment for children to play and interact. The visual also shows the child's explorative nature and their need for maintenance, love, and provision. The picture opens up on the hot-button topic of family planning and parents' need to plan for children to meet all their basic needs adequately. While the photo is an outright representation of only one child, it speaks volumes on parenthood status. Children are highly dependent on human beings. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to partake in Planned Parenthood to ensure that the parents provide the necessities and are actively present in the child's life.
Moreover, children are portrayed as sensitive beings that need protection from harsh environmental conditions—leaving children unattended increases the probability of accidents, injuries that cannot be corrected in the future. This would result in trauma, which will lower their self-esteem during adolescence (Place, et. al 2002). Parents should protect their children at all times, fai...
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