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Case Study Assignment Paper About Erickson and Piaget

Essay Instructions:

Please follow the instructions I need a good case study on two of Erickson stage theory and two from Piaget theory of development Create a case study for each you can pick the four case study as instructions say label which two are Erickson and which are Piaget. then label each case study with the theorist stages relevant to it. I am on asking for 3 pages that is all I can afford, A title page is expected. case study scholary. need in 10 days

Jean Piaget, the pioneering Swiss philosopher and psychologist, spent much of his professional life listening to children, watching children and poring over reports of researchers around the world who were doing the same. He found, to put it most succinctly, that children don't think like grownups. After thousands of interactions with young people often barely old enough to talk, Piaget began to suspect that behind their cute and seemingly illogical utterances were thought processes that had their own kind of order and their own special logic. Einstein called it a discovery "so simple that only a genius could have thought of it."

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case Study of Erickson and Piaget
Case Study of Erickson
Case Study 1 - Hope: trust vs. mistrust
Casey is a 2 year old baby. Her mother is complaining that the Child is constantly crying or seems agitated. Her mother is concerned that there might be a problem despite the lack of any physical malady.
Erikson notes that human relationship between a child and the caregivers in the initial stages of their lives form the basis of all social interactions in future. The infant transits from the comfort and security afforded by being in the uterus to a new and incorrigible world. The infant is naturally uneasy and the key question would be if they can trust the new world. The creation of trust is therefore based on how caregivers interact with the baby. If caregivers are consistently available for the child, catering to their needs and demands. The child learns to trust the world and the people within it. The child thus learns to expect warmth, affection and love from people. The child develops secure attachment. However, if caregivers are inconsistent in providing the basic desires of a child, food, warmth, affection, and comfort. The child develops mistrust which can be indicated by withdrawal, suspicion, and frustration. A balance of trust and mistrust allows the child to develop hope in the world.
As a therapist, I would be concerned with determining the relationship between Casey and her parents. Does the child feel secure with them? The child’s conduct in the presence of the mother will indicate if there is a secure attachment. If not, this will provide a marker that will guide my intervention measures.
Case Study 2: Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
John is a 4 year old child. His parents are complaining that John is too attached to them and is unable to do anything without the parents. The parents would like John to develop some autonomy.
Erikson notes that as the child matures. The child will be able to control their muscles and their bowel and bladder movements. The child will therefore begin to develop a desire to explore the world. This desire will be fuelled by curiosity and a need to understand their world. Children will therefore be continuously on the lookout for new things and surroundings. The question in their minds, would be, is it okay to do this, touch that or go there? The manner in which they respond to this exploration phase will determine whether the child develops autonomy or shame and doubt. It is essential to note that the caregiver provides the secure attachment from which the child ventures into the world. The child will therefore be concerned with the caregiver’s reaction to their activities.
Where caregivers actively encourage the child to explore, the child will develop a heighted sense of self sufficiency. The caregiver can further encourage the child to explore. In so doing, the child develops autonomy and belief in their ability to conduct certain activities. Where the caregiver is highly restrictive of the child by restrictin...
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