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Human Resource: Japanese Anime and American Series Evaluator/Critic

Essay Instructions:

Due Week 10 and worth 300 points
In this assignment, you get the chance to create your dream job and to build its compensation plan and appraisal performance.
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
1.Create a job description and specifications for your dream job.
2.Design a compensation and benefits package related to your dream job.
3.Rationalize your compensation and benefits package. Be sure to indicate the research and considerations that went into the design of the compensation and benefits package.
4.Imagine this is the only position of its kind in the organization. From this perspective, design a performance appraisal program to assess your job performance.
5.Rationalize your performance appraisal program. Be sure to indicate the research and considerations that went into the design of the performance appraisal program.
6.Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
7.Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements: a.Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
b.Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
c.Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
•Discuss job analysis, job descriptions, and specifications.
•Analyze various techniques, considerations, and designs of employee compensation programs.
•Analyze various techniques, considerations, and designs of performance appraisal programs.
•Use technology and information resources to research issues in human resource management.
•Write clearly and concisely about human resource management using proper writing mechanics.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Essay on Human Resource
Your Name
September 12, 2016
Your Institution of Affiliation
“Japanese Anime and American Series Evaluator/Critic”
This job is solely given to 10 people, of which varies in position/level, when it comes to proficiency and mastery of his/her own craft/genre. Job includes real-time evaluation, careful observation of plot development and opinion-based plot theories which prove your mastery over the art of overall evaluation.
* Minimum Qualifications
To be qualified to this job, one must possess:
¯ At least 21 years of age and whole-heartedly embrace his/her said genre as related to the job description.
¯ Time flexibility, as we shall be the first to watch the series to be aired on live televisions and needless to say, the first to evaluate which.
¯ Being updated with the series shown on live television is a MUST as these are what would be evaluated/criticized.
¯ The passion to burn the midnight oil and go for the extra mile to evaluate series and plots which would decide the Company’s future.
* Responsibilities
In such a role, you are expected to:
¯ Provide partial synopsis in compliance with the “No Spoiler” policy.
¯ Consistently achieve user’s quality score goals to assist in achieving client and customer satisfaction goals.
¯ Support users via live chat, email or phone support.
¯ Respond to customer inquiries by referring them to one’s mastery of genre over which the customer inquires upon.
¯ Maintain knowledge of client’s business and services offered.
¯ Perform other tasks that may be assigned time to time.
The Company may change and/or modify the above-enumerated responsibilities. In such instance, you shall be informed and oriented of the same accordingly.
Your employment with the Company does not pertain to an assignment to one specific genre, or to one specific site run over the web. Should business needs require, the Company may transfer you to another site being run by the Company, where your skills and/or acquired proficiencies may prove to be more functional and helpful, without prejudicing the level of pay and benefits that you may be receiving at the time of transfer or re-assignment.
* Probationary Employment
You shall be on a probationary status for a period not exceeding six (6) months counted from the date you report for work. Within and before the expiration of this period, your performance shall be evaluated, the result of which will determine your qualification for regular employment with the Company. Should your evaluation results show that you failed to comply with the Company’s standards for Regularization, the Company can terminate your employment for your failure to qualify as a regular employee. For your reference and guidance, attached to this Employment Contract is COMPLIANCE “A” that outlines the Standards for Regularization.
Also within this period, the Company may terminate your service for just or authorized causes or for violation of the provisions of the Company Code of Conduct or for other causes allowed by law.
* Remuneration
Your basic hourly salary is 150 USD.
Your net salary shall be paid in two tranches (every 15th and 30th of the month) through your payroll account that you shall open in a bank designated by the Company, or based on other schedule or through other means as may be determined by the Company.
Your salary will be subject to withholding tax and deductions that the Company is authorized and/or required by law to make.
Shifting, Overtime and Night Work
Changes in shift schedule will take place from time to time. You may also be required to work at night.
For work rendered between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM, you will be entitled to 20% Night Differentials.
You consent to render work outside your normal work schedule or in addition to your normal work hours, such as overtime work, whenever required by the Company. You further understand that overtime pay and any other premium pay for work renderer outside your normal work schedule or in addition to your normal work hours shall be paid only if such work is expressly requested or approved by your supervisor or manager and you are legally entitled to such overtime or premium pay. Otherwise, your base salary as stated above shall be adequate compensation for all your work, including work that is outside your normal work schedule or in addition to your normal work hours, and you will not be entitled to any payment in addition to your base salary for such additional work.
Food and Transportation Allowance
You shall receive a monthly Food and Transportation Allowance of 500 USD, net of tax, paid in cash and deposited to your payroll account in two equal installments – First half of the amount on the 15th- and other half on the 30th- of each month.
Upon your successful completion of 90-day tenure you can avail of the following ann...
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