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Case Conceptualization & Technique Application

Essay Instructions:

Assignment #2: Case Conceptualization & Technique Application Assignment- Part 2 (40 points)

Watch the movie The Big Sick (available on Canvas) and write a case conceptualization paper applying Cognitive Theory, Structural Family Therapy, and Narrative Therapy. Your paper should be 4-6 double spaced pages and should include the following components:

Analyzes the origins and causes of the main characters’ primary challenges from the perspective of each theory reviewed in class (Weeks 6-8 only), with attention paid to each theory’s relevant hypotheses and concepts;

Describe the treatment strategy, with targeted areas for improvement and 2-4 techniques, based on each theory’s hypothesized mechanisms of change.

Provides a summary recommendation on which of these theories would work best for the main characters in the movie and explanation for why. Recommendations should be based on cultural values and beliefs, gender, religious/spirituality, etc.

Component of Assignment

Points Possible

Case conceptualization and treatment techniques from the perspective of each theory from Weeks 3-5: Cognitive, Structural Family, & Narrative theories.

Please use headings for each specific theory and devote one to two paragraphs to your conceptualization of the case identifying and connecting the concepts with the main characters and one to two paragraphs to the treatment techniques.

8 points per theory (4 points for case conceptualization, 4 points for treatment techniques) for a total of 24 points

Summary Recommendations & Depth of analysis

Provides recommendations on which treatment would work best for the main characters. Some indicators of depth of analysis include attention to detail, anticipation of questions that the material raises, introduction of novel ideas or interpretations of the material, and completeness of information.

10Professionalism of Presentation

Paper is clear, succinct, and well organized; conforms to the page limit; has few or no typographical, grammatical, or spelling errors. Paper should use complete sentences in narrative form, not bullet points with fragments.





Case Conceptualization & Technique Application-Part 2

Case Conceptualization & Technique Application-Part 2




This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Cognitive Theory conceptualization & interventions

8.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

8.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Structural Family Therapy conceptualization & interventions

NB: Please see attached document for Template for paper . I need a very good score . the first one was B grade.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case Conceptualization & Technique Application
Student`s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Cognitive Theory
Case Conceptualization
Cognitive theory deals with the understanding of human's behavior in regard to their thought process (Segal, Williams & Teasdale, 2018). Kumal knows that he is not supposed to marry someone outside his culture, but he still goes ahead to form a relationship with Emily. His parents had arranged several marriages for him, but he was not for the idea. His feelings towards Emily grows stronger to the extent that he is willing to be disowned by his family. His thought patterns guide him into choosing to stand by Emily forgetting the importance of family and following one's culture. In addition, Emily is also blinded by her thought patterns when she thinks that Kumal does not deserve her love but then realizes that he has been there all through her sickness to the extent of losing an audition because he couldn't stop thinking about her.
Treatment Plan/Interventions
A therapist helps an individual by helping them to convert their maladaptive thinking patterns into helpful ideas. In the case of Kumal, he is willing to leave Emily for him to reunite with his family. On the other hand, he still has strong feelings for Emily that made him stick to her while she was in the hospital. Therefore, a therapist can guide him towards the identification of his thoughts patterns to come up with the best decision regarding the dilemma. At some point, he is willing to be disowned by his parents and fight for Emily's love. On another point, he has chosen to leave for New York city and refrain from the acts that had made his parents disown him. In addition, a therapist can also guide him into coming with a constructive idea about his religion. Kumal has stopped being a committed Muslim as a result of the pressure from his parent s to follow a specific culture.
Structural Family Therapy
Case Conceptualization
The structural family therapy points out that a family is a common unit that ought to be brought together by solving the disagreements among people instead of isolating them when they do wrong (Kerig, 2016). Kumal's relationship issue is as a result of the fact that his family will not appreciate and accept his white girlfriend. Therefore, he tells Emily that he is not sure about the future of the relationship because his parents want him to marry form their culture. He is afraid of being disowned like his cousin. Kumal has also stopped being a committed Muslim as he used to be. This contributes to his fears of having to follow a culture for him to remain a member of his fa...
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