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Can We Affect Social Change? Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

5 paragraph include instruduction, 3 body paragraph, conclusion. Each body paragraph must have the structure with topic sentence, #1 quote, analysis, #2 quote, analysis, and short conclusion.please use the quote form my upload files. Also there is some requirement and essay topic in the upload files, the document names EAD II paper 2, please read that carefully, Thank you so much!

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Can We Affect Social Change?
Can We Affect Social Change?
Humanity has come a long way in overcoming both individual and societal differences across the social, cultural, political, and economic constructs to coexist without any form of animosity. Civilization, for instance, brought various changes to the society amidst resistance from the conservative or traditional individuals and entities whose way of life was perceivably threatened by its principles. Despite the valuable input of civilization, humanity remains divided along factors such as the values, beliefs, practices, and cultural orientations that remain distinct to individuals and the societies or organization to which they belong. Identities formed across the outlined factors limit the people’s ability to interact and integrate amongst themselves without any form of indignation. However, human beings have the ability to overcome their social, cultural, economic, and political differences for a peaceful coexistence devoid of problematic social practices. Nevertheless, overcoming differences across the outlined parameters require the development of positive social habits through integration and the ability of human beings to establish common grounds for their distinct values through inclusive conversations. Human beings can effect social change by rising above their ideological differences by forming common grounds on the same and embracing integration as the key to form positive social habits, which form the basis for eradicating problematic social practices.
The people’s integration and interaction across the social, economic, political, and cultural divides existing within the society serve to develop responsible behavior towards one another. The sense of responsibility towards another human being based on the social connections or networks formed among the members of the society thus serve as an effective tool for affecting social change. According to Charles Duhigg’s human beings have the ability of advocating for and affecting change in social practices through both the strong and weak ties of individuals when faced with a particular social problem CITATION Duh12 \l 2057 (Duhigg, 2012). Duhigg writes, “There’s a natural instinct embedded in friendship, a sympathy that makes us willing to fight for someone we like when they are treated unjustly.” The author shares his strong belief in a person’s existing strong ties with close friends and the weaker ties in the network of friends created with a community as being instrumental in impacting the desired change towards a prevailing unjust social practice. Duhigg develops his argument on the unfolding events of Rosa Parks’ arrest in 1955 following her refusal to give up her bus seat for a white passenger at the height of racial segregation in Montgomery, Alabama CITATION Duh12 \l 2057 (Duhigg, 2012).
The interaction and integration of members of a given community forms the basis for the formation of weak and strong ties through which positive social habits develop. The social habits arising from the network of weak and social ties binding the community together can be an effective tool for affecting social change or eradicating the problematic social practices. The strong social ties build around the shared common beliefs and practices between and among members of particular social construct. Religious groups, for instance, form an excellent platform for the establishment of common values and beliefs which create a sense of belonging for all its believers. The sense of belonging to a particular group thus create a common sense of responsibility for one another as well as a front for addressing the problematic social behaviors and practices contradicting the said values and beliefs on what is right or wrong for individual members of a social group and the society as a whole. The weaker ties, on the other hand, play a significant role of promoting the development of the positive social habits of care and responsibility towards enacting or reinforcing the people’s stand against problematic social practices. The weak social ties also thrive on the moral sense and responsibility of belonging to a particular group within the society that aligns itself with the common belief of doing what is right or beneficial to the society.
Duhigg reiterates on the impact of weak ties saying, “The power of weak ties helps explain how a protest can expand from a group of friends into a broad social movement,” CITATION Duh12 \l 2057 (Duhigg, 2012). Martin Luther King Jr. took advantage of the broad network of shared belief against the problematic social practices facing the black community to rally it behind a common purpose of changing the racial laws CITATION Duh12 \l 2057 (Duhigg, 2012). Hence, an individual’s influence in the society can also serve as an effective tool for affecting social c...
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