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Black Death (Bubonic Plague)

Essay Instructions:

Bubonic Plague aka black death list the effects of it pay attention to economic and social effects describe the economic and social effects of the spread from central asia to china, the middle easr and europe. And its impact on the global population

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Black Death
Black Death
The Black Death also known as Bubonic plague was a pandemic that caused destruction between 1348 and 1350 more so in Europe killing close to twenty eight million people. The Black Death is believed to have originated from China spreading to other parts of the world. The death of approximately twenty eight million people reduced the global population greatly and also affected the socio-economic status across various contents whereby trade among other issues dropped by 93% in a short while (Routt, 2008).
However, in the long-run most people especially the middle class enjoyed monopolizing the few available resources especially cheap labour. Most of the prices of commodities dropped, food was cheap, and rents became low because few people were left to compete for resources. When labour became scarce, landowners were forced to review paying workers by even offering incentives to retain the few workers. Workers took advantage of the situation to demand for better pay benefiting them in the long-run. With time, competition became great rewarding businesses. Ironically, the Black Death killed people but not properties, therefore, the remaining survivors were left with resources to exploit and use to their advantage (Routt, 2008).
The restructuring as a result of Black Death, in the long term, promoted a new economic growth. Apart from improving economy, Black Death is believed to be the greatest contributor to the popular rebellions witnessed in some parts of the world during the period of its outbreak, workers rebelled demanding better living standards for. Economic constrains witnessed during that period, pushed workers to feel agitated causing rebellions. Black Death accelerated the process by shrinking as tension grew. However, the rebellion did not achieve much because their demands could not be fulfilled due to the situation by...
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