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Attitudes Toward Suicide Paper Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you will write a 4-6 page reflection paper describing a) your attitudes and beliefs about suicide and its prevention, b) the experiences that shaped your attitudes and beliefs, c) potential conflicts and challenges that could arise from your beliefs, attitudes, and experiences, and d) strategies for managing potential challenges. Your grade will depend on these criteria:


Exploration of pertinent beliefs and attitudes about suicide, including relevant experiences and background that shaped these attitudes and beliefs. (6 points)

Influences on your beliefs and attitudes may include something as broad as religion, news stories about suicide, a movie or book – or something as intensely personal as a loved one’s suicide or your own suicidal experience.

Please honor your personal boundaries regarding what you reveal about your personal history. Your paper will not be evaluated based on your experiences or attitudes. Instead, your grade will reflect your process of exploring your experiences and attitudes with adequate depth of analysis. Some indicators of depth of analysis include completeness of information provided, anticipation of questions the material raises, and complexity (vs. superficiality) of your discussion.

Analysis of how these beliefs and attitudes may influence your work with suicidal clients. (6 points)

The effects on practice may include internal struggles, such as distracting internal monologues about conflicts in values, or external struggles, such as a lower (or higher) likelihood of trying to involuntary hospitalize someone as a result of your beliefs, fears, etc.

Discussion of steps you will take to address potential challenges or conflicts. (6 points)

Possible considerations include what you can tell yourself, how you can respond to a client, what you can do to manage anxiety, and so on (to name just a few examples). Please do not list supervision, consultation, and/or psychotherapy as your only strategies for resolving internal conflicts and challenges. While those are valuable tools for personal and professional growth, the purpose of this assignment is to anticipate now what you can do when challenges arise.

Professionalism of presentation (e.g., organization and flow of paper; correct use of grammar, spelling, and punctuation; minimal typographic errors). (2 points)

TOTAL: 20 points

Your set of attitudes, beliefs, experiences and reactions may not lend itself to the above structure. As long as the key issues are covered in some form or fashion, feel free to tell your story in your own way. You are welcome to use the handout from Class 1, Be Curious, Not Judgmental: Exploring Your Attitudes and Beliefs about Suicide, as a launching point for this paper.


Rubric for Attitudes Paper (1)

Rubric for Attitudes Paper (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExploration of pertinent beliefs and attitudes about suicide, including any relevant experiences and background that shaped these.

Influences on your beliefs and attitudes may include something as broad as religion, news stories about suicide, a movie or book – or something as intensely personal as a loved one’s suicide or your own suicidal experience. Please honor your personal boundaries regarding what you reveal about your personal history. Your paper will not be evaluated based on your experiences or attitudes. Instead, your grade will reflect your process of exploring your experiences and attitudes with adequate depth of analysis. Some indicators of depth of analysis include completeness of information provided, anticipation of questions the material raises, and complexity (vs. superficiality) of your discussion.

6.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis of how these beliefs and attitudes may influence your work with suicidal clients.

The effects on practice may include internal struggles, such as distracting internal monologues about conflicts in values, or external struggles, such as a lower (or higher) likelihood of trying to involuntary hospitalize someone as a result of your beliefs, fears, etc.

6.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscussion of steps you will take to address potential challenges or conflicts.

Possible considerations include what you can tell yourself, how you can respond to a client, what you can do to manage anxiety, and so on (to name just a few examples). Please do not list supervision, consultation, and/or psychotherapy as your only strategies for resolving internal conflicts and challenges. While those are valuable tools for personal and professional growth, the purpose of this assignment is to anticipate now what you can do when challenges arise.

6.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Professionalism of presentation

For example, organization and flow of paper; correct use of grammar, spelling, and punctuation; minimal typographic errors

2.0 pts

Total Points

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Attitude towards Suicide
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Lecturer’s Name
Assignment Due Date
Attitude towards Suicide
Suicide is widely acknowledged as one of the significant public health problems that occur in every community. Understanding attitudes towards suicide helps in the prevention of suicidal behavior. Evidence shows that people with a more accepting perception of suicide have upper levels of suicidal ideation, and are more likely to attempt suicide (Ingram & Ellis, 2012). From an individual perspective, high levels of stress, depression, and hopelessness are the primary causes of suicidal behaviors. These causes are attributed to financial hardships, domestic violence, intimate relationships, alcohol and substance abuse, trauma, and illness.
Recently high cases of suicides especially among the youth have been caused by intimate relationships. In this case, one partner feels that they have no reason to leave when heartbroken. Personally, I have a strong negative attitude towards suicide and suicidal thoughts because it is a behavior that can affect the rest of the family members. Psychologists have suggested that suicidal behavior is familial (Bagley & Ramsay, 2019). It implies that suicide or suicidal attempts can be passed from one generation to another. Evidence shows that individuals who commit suicide have a history of suicidal thoughts or attempts (Ingram & Ellis, 2012). That is to say, a member of that lineage committed suicide. I also believe that suicide is not a response to stress or problem one is experiencing. In fact, there is no need for a person to commit suicide because they can take numerous steps to overcome the situation.
Psychosocial interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) help in preventing suicide and suicidal thoughts. CBT is a significant option for people suffering from various mental disorders (Bagley & Ramsay, 2019). In this technique, individuals are taught new ways of coping with stress and stressful life experiences. People who complete their CBT sessions can learn to deal with stressful conditions to overcome suicidal thoughts when they arise. DBT is used to help people identify unhealthy or disruptive feelings and actions (Bagley & Ramsay, 2019). It introduces methods on how to address troubling situations. This technique has prevented suicide in adolescents and adults with borderline personality disorder.
Experiences that Shaped My Attitudes and Beliefs
My attitudes and beliefs were shaped by the story I read about an Indian man who committed suicide after his girlfriend broke up with him. According to the Daily News and Analysis (DNA) India, the 22-year-old man left a suicide note before hanging himself, putting blame on the girl and her family for making things worse. Police reported that the late Karan Singh met a woman on Facebook and started dating her (DNA, 2017). The woman promised to marry him after she graduated from college. However, things did not go well as the woman started ignoring Singh.
Based on this story, I believe the man was stressed and depressed after her girlfriend broke-up with him. He ended up committing suicide because he was depressed. Perhaps, the woman turned down his marriage proposal. In this case, it appears that Singh loved the woman too much to a point he became obsessed with her. However, Mr. Singh had many options befo...
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