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April's Interviews

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Overview
Using the textbook and the South University Online Library, write a 2-3 page essay in 12-point font using APA standards that presents your findings from interviews with two different individuals regarding their positions in society. You may use this list of suggested questions to conduct your interview.
These interviews can be conducted on co-workers, neighbors, friends, etc. They may be conducted over the phone, via video chat, or in-person. Do not use first and last names. You may use pseudonyms or initials.
Your paper should address the following:
Identify each person’s class, race, and gender, using the terminology in the course textbook and lectures.
What role has class, race, and gender played in their lives? How do you see stratification as playing a role?
Analyze each person’s specific components of culture and relate them to his/her stratified position in society.
Apply one of the sociological perspectives to each of the individuals’ life stories. Why did you choose this particular perspective? How does it explain each person’s life and life choices?
What are some of the benefits and limitations to using the interview as a research methodology?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student's Name
Professor's Name
Race, gender, and class play an important role in people's social lives. They define how people socialize and behave in various situations. I interviewed two people; one is white, and the other is an African American. The first person I interviewed was Mr. Jack. He is a male, white business person who owns many restaurants in New York City. Mr. jack belongs to the middle-class members of society. Besides the restaurants, Mr. Jack works as a business and economic consultant with the US business and finance department.
Stratification plays a significant role in Mr. Jacks’s life. He holds a position that is deemed masculine by society. Most people believe that men are good business and economic advisers than females. They are also considered to manage businesses better than women. Mr. Jack's race also gives him a better chance to own a business in the US. The whites mostly own businesses while most other races work for them. Lastly, class as a stratification factor helps Mr. Jack maintain his restaurant business booming. He has peers who are supportive of his business and likely to recommend their friends.
The second person I interviewed was Ms. Martha. She is a black female waiter working in one of Mr. Jacks’s restaurants. Ms. Martha says she is not satisfied with her salary, but she has no choice and will not quit her job because most white employees often pay black people lower than white workers. According to her, leaving her job would land her another where she is also underpaid. Thus, she believes it better to retain the current position.
Stratification keeps Ms. Martha stagnant in her current low situation. She is of an...
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