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Introduction to Social Problem Essay

Essay Instructions:

Answer the following prompts in an essay format:

First, select a social problem to analyze throughout this course. You may select from the list or come up with a social problem you wish to analyze:



Human Trafficking

Alcohol abuse

Inequity in the workplace

Drug Abuse


Child Abuse

Juvenile Delinquency

Economic inequality

Remember, you will use your selected social problem to complete other assignments throughout this course.

In an essay (500-750 words), cite one scholarly source from the GCU library in addition to the textbook and complete the following:

Describe your selected social problem in its social context.

Use your sociological imagination to explain how the selected social problem is influenced by society.

Select the theoretical perspective(s) (functionalist, conflict, and interactionist) that best aligns with the social problem you’ve selected to analyze in this course.

Explain why the theoretical perspective(s) you chose is best to explain the selected social problem.

Next, use that theoretical perspective(s) to explain how your selected social problem came to be and how it is perpetuated.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


Our Social World: An Introduction to Sociology

Read Chapter 1 in Sociology 102. Our social world: An introduction to sociology.

Social Problems

Read “Social Problems” by Turner from Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology. (2006).

Optional Readings: Local Modelling Techniques for Assessing Micro-Level Impacts of Risk Factors in Complex Data: Understanding Health and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Childhood Educational Attainments

For additional information, the following is recommended: “Local Modelling Techniques for Assessing Micro-Level Impacts of Risk Factors in Complex Data: Understanding Health and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Childhood Educational Attainments” by Zhou et al. from PLoS ONE (2014).

Appendix: On Intellectual Craftsmanship

Read “Appendix: On Intellectual Craftsmanship,” by Mills from The Sociological Imagination (2000).

Ecological Perspectives and Children’s Use of the Internet: Exploring Micro to Macro Level Analysis

Read “Ecological Perspectives and Children’s Use of the Internet: Exploring Micro to Macro Level Analysis” by O’Neill from Estonian Journal of Education (2015).

Introduction to Social Problems

Read Chapter 1 in Introduction to Social Problems.

Optional Readings: Understanding Recession and Self-Rated Health With the Partial Proportional Odds Model: An Analysis of 26 Countries

Read “Understanding Recession and Self-Rated Health With the Partial Proportional Odds Model: An Analysis of 26 Countries” by Mayer & Foster from PLoS ONE (2015).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Introduction To a Social Problem Essay
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Introduction To a Social Problem Essay
The selected social problem is drug abuse. A substantial number of people across the world have a drug abuse problem which can highly affect the people around them. the most affected individual are close relatives because they have to take care of the individual having the drug abuse problem. For instance, parents with a drug abuse problem face the risk of losing their children to foster care because they are unable to adequately care for such kids. In most cases, the kids would suffer the neglect of other forms of mental, emotional, and physical abuse. Drug abuse among people of different ages has become a social problem that needs to be addressed to make society better.
The main causes of drug abuse are peer pressure and stressor factors. Peer pressure is a common cause of drug abuse among youths. Stressor factors such as poverty, abuse, neglect, mental illnesses, and trauma have been known to cause drug abuse among a large number of adults (Fields, 2021). Addressing the issue of drug abuse requires specialists to address the factors causing the abuse. If such factors are not addressed, the drug abuse patient risks a relapse. A relapse would mean that the help they received to quit drugs was a waste of time.
Drug abuse is also influenced by society due to the perspectives that people have about the issue. For instance, the mass media has created a culture of drug abuse among teenagers. It portrays that a large number of teenagers are victims of drug abuse which is not always the case. Such a...
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