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Immigration and Immigrants: Comparison of Migration Stories

Essay Instructions:


Show your understanding of <

(1) Recall and critically consider the specific lessons here. But to maximize your points, try to tie your analysis to other parts of our lessons too. See, try to cite other pages in our Learning Module here.

(2) Pick and watch at least two (2) videos (by clicking on the name) below. To get points, you must specifically describe and cite the two videos you watched. (the citations must in in-text; for more info on citing see here)

Study Note: sometimes SJSU no longer pays for a video. If the link does not work, search for the title in SJSU Libary page (Links to an external site.), Youtube, or PBS website. If you still cannot locate it, to avoid delaying your papers, analyze the issue using the other sources in your lessons (make sure to include citations) and add a comment to your submission saying the video was not accessible. I will note it when grading.


a) Children of Syria- https://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/wgbh/frontline/film/children-of-syria/ (Links to an external site.)

or https://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/video/frontline-children-syria/

b) Children of Alleppo- https://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/wgbh/frontline/film/children-of-aleppo/

c) ISIS in Afghanistan- https://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/wgbh/frontline/film/isis-inafghanistan

d) On the Brink of Famine- www(dot)pbs(dot)org/wgbh/frontline/film/myanmarskilling-

(3) Compare the two migration stories in each video you chose to reflect on how diverse the experiences are that lead to the push & pull of migration. Consider the lessons that outline the factors that pressure people to leave their home (e.g., the impact of economic dependence, political conflict, demise of the nation state, environmental crises, etc.).

(4) Conduct brief research to determine how the media depicted the issue (i.e., migrant group) in each video. Find example(s) on the internet, books, social media, etc. that shows how the media shaped the public's view of the issue. (Note, this is not intended to be complicated or extensive research: you simply are asked to briefly search on the internet for a blog, news article, etc. that depicts another real-world example that reminds you of what you saw in the video.)

To illustrate: Trump claims Middle Easterners part of migrant caravan "On the move again, the Central American migrant convoy marches across Mexico, towards the US, even as Washington issues another warning." (see, Here ) (Links to an external site.)

John Holman, “Trump claims Middle Easterners part of migrant caravan” (Links to an external site.) (John Holman, Al Jazeera)

(5) Analyze how the real motivations for migrating to the US compares the US' perception and beliefs. In approx. explain:

(5a) Show your understanding of the documentaries by describing what it showed were the reasons people are pushed from their homeland and pulled into the U.S. You must do more than list it (genocide, famine, etc.); instead, you must specifically describe it as illustrated by examples from each video.

(illustration: "In X video, there was Z-person who struggled with .... she had no choice but to leave her home because ... she was forced to go to the US because...")

(5b) Connect each documentary to our course materials (reading, lectures, and supplemental materials) by explaining the historical and theoretical framework that led to the migration in each video.

(illustrative example: "On its surface, it would seem like Z came to the US for work opportunities. But as I continued to watch the videos and see her situation like .... I realized this is directly related to the long history of X we read about in Chapter #. On pages # - #, Cohen explains.... and as we discussed in class ... here we see ...")

(5c) Show your understanding of the broader issue by explaining how the individual experiences in the videos relate to the "push" and "pull" factors of immigration. Identify the global factors (e.g., the impact of economic dependence, political conflict, demise of the nation state, environmental crises, etc.) and describe a specific scene or story from the video that illustrates this factor.

(illustrative example: "In lecture 3/4 we discussed the famine and humanitarian crisis. From that lesson and the textbook pgs #-#, I understand the history to be .... in the video X, we saw the impact on families when Z did ....")

(5c)Cut-and-paste a hyperlink, screenshot, or upload a copy of the headline, article, and/or video you found in your research. Summarize in your own words what you found in your research. Describe the part of the video your research explains or is an example of, and how it illustrates this issue.

(illustrative example: "I looked at X sources. Given my interest in X, I focused mainly on Y. I noticed headlines often depict the civil wars shown in the videos as a mutual conflict between political rivals rather than show the real accounts of children starving and dying. For example, I attached several articles that show....")

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Immigration and Immigrants
Course Code:
Migration refers to the movement of population from one place to another especially changing the permanent residence. Migrations occur due to inter-regional and intra-regional disparities at all levels that fundamentally lead to a lack of employment opportunities that result in low living standards amongst various socio-economic groups at the micro-level. Notably, there are two types of migration, internal and international migration. In this case, internal migration defines people’s movement within the same country, while international migration refers to movement across countries searching for better living conditions. The aspect of international immigration has become one of the central themes much talked about in the political, policy, and public discussions globally. Therefore, it is important to understand these policy conversations and discussions on immigration. By definition, an immigrant refers to a particular individual who lives in a country other than his natural birth).
Comparison of Migration Stories
The “Children of Syria” reveals the nature of daily life within a war zone through the children’s perspective. Syria’s civil war has lasted for close to four years leading to the shattering of various amenities such as the health system following the United Nations investigations. The reports reveal some disturbing news where children are used as human shields, jailed by the regime, and killed in most cases. However, the video further reveals that children in Syria also die owing to a lack of primary medical care because approximately 60% of hospitals, including 38% of primary healthcare facilities, have been shattered (Network, 2020). The majority of the physicians have fled the region searching for greener, more accommodating environments. This paints a picture of a medical community struggling to adjust to the overwhelming situations because of war. The scenarios in Aleppo reveal that homes have been turned into makeshift hospitals, with such scenes now commonplace in the city (Children of Aleppo).
In some instances, children have their limbs amputated due to a lack of necessary equipment for treating such injuries. Sadly, more babies die in their incubators owing to power outages (Children of Syria). Preventing care has also suffered a blow, with vaccination rates falling drastically from 91% before the war to 68% after years of conflict. The rates are more likely to reduce further concerning deadly diseases such as measles and meningitis. Such lack of basic care in Syria that entails access to routine vaccinations prompts increasing migration of individuals to other countries such as the United States in search of better healthcare services.
ISIS in Afghanistan video reveals the nature of the humanitarian and displacement crisis because of the recent unconditional withdrawal of the US-led coalition troops from Afghan. The move ensured the gaining of the ground by the Taliban, thus, causing the collapse of the previously installed Afghan state. This makes Afghan one of the major countries for displacement alongside migration due to political instability. The video shows that a good percentage of the population faces hunger and is in urgent need of food, showing a fragile political system, security, and economic foundations. Statistics show that approximately 20,000 Afghans have migrated to Pakistan, fleeing Iran, irrespective of existing barriers (Research Report, 2017).
The emergence of the Taliban taking over the country left the population, inclusive of the minority groups, at dire risk of further displacement. The mass movement of Afghan migrants piles pressure on other nationalities to move towards major corridors. For instance, the recent evacuations due to political instability increased the arrival number of Afghans to countries such as the United States. The relief we portray the Taliban’s takeover situation in “ISIS in Afghanistan” as a condition that would probably lead to refugee crisis from the country. The media claims that “The inability of the Taliban to form an all-inclusive government may result to further turbulence compounded with drought issues may explode to humanitarian crisis increasing the number of people willing to flee” (Research Report, 2017).
How the real motivations for migrating to the US compares the US’ perception and beliefs
The documentary on “ISIS in Afghan” video reveals struggles from the Afghan population that results from the capture of Kabul by the Taliban. The masses have no choice but to adhere to the regime’s cruel rule of Islamic laws, which forces the majority to mig...
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