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Response To The Peer: Americas Racial And Ethnics History

Essay Instructions:

First watch video: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=TgvOdD5bVsg

"When we focus on race we divide by race. Teaching america's racial and ethnics "history of oppression" perpetrates racial division. it is more advantageous to teach america is an open land of opportunity, where all individuals can achieve and prosper regardless of one's race, rather than focus on our differences"

Then we had to answer this: Pro or con- do you believe that the statement above is true and accurate or faulty and incorrect? I choose it to be untrue. SO you must too.

Then read my peers response to topic:

Ethnic Studies Ban Racists' was a complex video and the speakers are talking about the public school system and how they shouldn't be divided by race because that is backward. Ethnic identity was discussed and how it applies to schools from a teacher's point of view. Whites can benefit from other cultures and studies are what were argued by the teacher in the interview. I can wholeheartedly agree with him and that all white people should learn about other cultures and sub-cultures to become less ignorant and to have their eyes opened and to learn. Other non-white races have been oppressed so I believe if we don't learn History we will not move forward. Denying racism and hostility towards various races is wrong. Choosing to live blindly and not pay attention to the history of races in the past especially, but also now is a bad choice and has the person remain stagnant and misinformed. Separatism shouldn't be ignored and by ignoring the past we are doomed to repeat it. Yes, we should judge a person's character except we shouldn't ignore the dark and bad American past. White people need to learn only they can be racist and stop with the double-standard because there is no such thing as reverse racism.

For race and the division, we can learn to embrace other races and cultures when we study them and be more open-minded or we can choose to not study other races and be blindly ignorant. We will continue to make accusations and assumptions about other races and ethnicities as long as we refuse to learn about other races. I think it's not a downer much at all and that it is good to study race to a certain extent or degree. It is great to study different cultures and be open to them but overall it's important to realize we should all come together and unite. We shouldn't discriminate against others and I think that learning about other cultures isn't negative. The concept of division is wrong and partially I believe it totally stems from being in the dark about other races. Our minds if anything will be expanded through learning the positive aspects of other cultures and ways of life. It is my hope that people will be more open and interested in taking part in other culture's traditions through knowing more about them instead of being blind towards them and making up things. Of course, we can teach others that America is a land of opportunity. We can still learn about other races though and this should not hinder the principle of America being the land of the free. Our skin color may be different, our ways of life and upbringing may be different, but we can come together and unite and be offered the same opportunities no matter what we look like. Even though we shouldn't stress race that much, we should still not dismiss it or try to diminish it. We need to stop racism and stop focusing on race so much, except we still need to have some presence of race in American life.

What you write: tell what you liked/agree, while expanding or clarifying specific points made by my peer. Offer additional argument to support a position taken in the answer. If you don't understand or think met power applied incorrectly then write about it. You may disagree as well but be respectful.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Racism in the US has been a key debate since the colonial era. During that time, legitimate and socially endorsed rights and privileges were offered to the white Americans; nevertheless, the Native, Asian, and African Americans were denied those rights and privileges. Racism occurred in various fields, for instance, education, land acquisition, voting rights, criminal procedures amid others. Up to now racism and discrimination are still evident in the US.
America as an open land of opportunity, where all individuals can achieve and prosper regardless of one’s race,
It is not advisable to teach people that America is an open land of opportunity, where all individuals could attain their objectives irrespective of race. The situation would open a forum for more individuals to move to the US. In the process of people moving in the US the rate of crimes would increase as the country would turn to be a free man's nation. Terrorism issues would rise at a higher rate. Declaring to people that the country is free for every to utilize any opportunity gap would make way for terrorists to invade the country. Currently, the US is not a free country, and many fear that the country is not fair for non-Americans and especially the inhabitants themselves. People fear that the US citizens are given priority compared to the immigrants. The case thus does not promote the behavior of people migrating to the US. With an i...
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