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Addressing the issues of representation and constructions of gender in media, literature, art, language and popular culture, and examine the contradictions and expectations associated with doing gender.

Essay Instructions:
Class is Women Studies, need to write final essay, These were the following guidelines given for the final essay: Final Essay By using the resources offered in the course (readings, movies, lectures and tutorial discussion), build on your essay outline and write 6-7 page, double-spaced, 12pt font, critical essay, plus one page bibliography and one title page. No outside source is required for this assignment. You must have a bibliography and it must name the style guide you have employed (i.e. MLA / APA / Turabian). □ Paper Length 6-7 pages, plus one title page and one page bibliography, all stapled □ Times New Roman 12pt font □ Left Justified □ Double Spaced □ 1 inch page margins □ Page numbers in bottom right hand corner □ Use Footnotes (do not include footnotes in your word count) □ Include a works cited/bibliography section These are some tips the professor gave us for this assignment: - remember to provide a title, preferably one that highlights your thesis or central concerns. - Avoid a lengthy, overly general introduction; state your intentions concisely and engagingly. - Each paragraph is to be a unit of thought and should develop an idea. - Provide transition between topics. Your essay should have continuity; it should “hang together.” - Support or illustrate your assertions; be as specific and precise as possible. - Quoted materials belong in quotation marks and a page number should be supplied. Use a style guide for references and be consistent. Ideas or passages that are paraphrased also need to be referenced. - Avoid over-use of quoted materials. Passages that are quoted need to be contextualized and require comments that directly forward your own argument. - You may use the word “I” in your work for this class. - Avoid errors of spelling, grammar and punctuation. - Remember to proofread your assignments. You can lose as much as a full mark – possibly even more – by forgetting to proofread and to make final revisions. The following are the sources we must use in order to complete the essay: 1:TEXTBOOK) Micheal S. Kimmel, Amy Aronson, and Amy Kale, eds. The Gendered Society Reader: Second Canadian Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. (from the textbook we must read pages 28-41) 2) Articles: The following are a list of articles that are attached with the page numbers that we must read in order to reference our work. (the W stands for week, for example W5=week 5) W5 article B part 1 and part 2 -- pages xiii-xxii and 237-249 W5 article C -- pages 115-122 W5 article D -- pages 34-38 W6 article A -- pages 19-47 W6 article B -- pages 138-140 W6 article C -- pages 111-115 W7 article A -- pages 249-257 W7 article B -- pages 3-29 The following are the reference names and citation: W5 article B: Michael S. Kimmel, and Michael A. Messner eds. Men's Lives. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1998, pp. xiii-xxii & 237-249 W5 article C: Simone de Beauvoir, “Woman as ‘Other'” in Issues in Feminism. Sheila Ruth, ed. London: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1990, pp. 115-122 W5 article D: Paula Gunn Allen, “Where I come From Is Like This,” in Feminist Frontiers. Verta Taylor, Nancy Whittier, Leila J. Rupp (eds.). Eighth Edition. New York: McGraw Hill, 2009, pp. 34-38 W6 article A: Hunter College Women's Studies Collective, Women's Realities, Women's Choices: An Introduction to Women's Studies. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, 3rd Edition, pp. 19-47 W6 article B: Audre Lorde, “The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action,” in Issues in Feminism. Sheila Ruth, ed. London: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1990, pp. 138-140 W6 article C: Jan Nederveen Pieterse, “White Negroes,” in Gender, Race, and Class in Media: A Text-Reader. Gail Dines and Jean M. Humez (eds.), Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications Inc., 2003, pp. 111-115 W7 article A: Sut Jhally, “Image-Based Culture,” in Gender, Race, and Class in Media: A Text-Reader. Gail Dines and Jean M. Humez (eds.), Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications Inc., 2003, pp. 249-257 W7 article B: Ronald Weitzer and Charis E. Kubrin, “Misogyny in Rap Music A Content Analysis of Prevalence and Meanings,” in Men and Masculinities, Volume 12 Number 1, October 2009, pp. 3-29
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Role of human behavior towards gender representation and constructions Student name School name Introduction Gender in most cases refers to the basic category that is used to sort human beings. The concept of gender assumes the essential elements of our own identities, and the identities that we assume other people to have. It defines of what it means to be a male or a female. People grow up with gender awareness of what constitutes the characteristics of a certain gender. It is these characteristics that people attach to each other that define the magnitude of gender in the society. The perception and attitudes that people attach to each other largely contributes to the gender representation and constructions in the society. Representations and constructions of gender have led to the emergence of a number of issues that are of concern to the society. The most common areas in our society where gender representations and constructions are displayed are the media, literature, art, language, and culture. The media Different media coverage has largely contributed to the representations and constructions of gender. Newspapers, journals, televisions, and radio have portrayed some form of gender representations in their reporting. The coverage has in most cases linked different gender with certain characteristics. In our contemporary world, media messages have been dominated by the information of goods and products. The information of the goods and services is passed though advertisements. The advertisements in the media are often associated with images that have an impact on representations and constructions of gender. Advertisement and its role in gender representations and constructions The images that are displayed in the advertisement always have some meanings. It has a significant impact on gender identity. The commercials that are used in the advertisements often use images and representations of women and men. The images of men and women are use as a means of strategy to attract the attention of consumers. The gender displays in the advertisement commercial are easily recognized by the society hence they influence the image system in human beings. The images also strike at our individual identity and how we understand ourselves as either male or female. The advertisement images, however, should not be recognized as the actual reflections of human gender. For example, women in most of the advertisement portraits are displayed along the lines of sexuality. This can be a source of gender interpretations to the audience of the advertisement leading to the representations of gender. Many of the advertisement campaign have used the strategy of sexuality in their advertisements. This has lead to the distortion of human beings image system. Media statements Some of the statements that are made in various media coverage can influence our images towards gender representations. The statements made by leaders are usually given a priority in the majority of media coverage. Some of the statements made can affect our perceptions towards a certain gender It can make us think negatively or positively on a given gender on the society. The statements might portray a gender in negative or positive way. For example, John Lennon said “women are the niggers of the world.”. Reporting such messages in various media channel will have a significant impact on the representations of gender among the readers of the article. Gender representations in art The area of art has provided an avenue of representations and construction of gender. Several artists have used gender in passing of different information to the society. The images that the artists attach to gender had a significant impact to the perception and attitudes of our behavior towards the other gender. Music is one the areas where there has been significant gender representations and construction. Several musicians have used their various musical contents to portray some gender elements to the community. The elements portrayed by musicians have really influenced the perception of our image towards gender. Gender stereotype are popular the music scene and rap music has been identified as one of the platforms that have contributed to representation and construction of gender to a large extent. Various artists of rap music artists have proved to be misogynistic in their music. They have portrayed women negatively in contents of their music. In most of the music, women have been portrayed as inferior to men. They have also been trivialized and marginalized in the songs. The messages in the music display the notion that women are not equal to men. They regard men as superior to women in society. It is also of great concern that the artist who conveys negative images towards women has been rewarded for their songs. This can explains the reason for gender stereotypes in music. There are some images that are attached to either female or male people in the society. The images that we attach to any given gender can have an influence in the gender representation in our society. Some of the predominant images that are associated with women are sex objects, earth mothers, women as invisible, weaker sex, and objects of love. Impact of literature towards gender representations Several books, journals, and articles have portrayed men and women in different ways. Men and women have been identified by specific roles in the community. Most of the literature has associated men with masculinity while women have been associated with femininity. The roles that have been associated with men and women in the society have lead to the representation of gender in our society. For example, in most instances women have been entrusted with the role of bringing up children. They have also been associated with the role of cooking for and taking care of the family. Our gender perception of men and women are determined by the images that we construct from the masculinity or femininity. In most society throughout the world, men are regarded as the head of the family. Children will grow with the perception that men are the head of their families. Then perceptions, experience, and images that are attached to gender are having real effects on gender representations. We always select some specific features when defining women while we ignore other elements. For example, people will associate certain gender with a particular shape. Women are associated with round hips, while in the real sense not all women have round hips. It is also true that both sexes can have round hips. In some places women are considered as the group of people who wear make ups and skirts. Women also in some cultural settings are described as the weak sex while men are port...
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