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Adam Smith and the Three Declarations (Independence, Rights of Man, and Rights of Woman)

Essay Instructions:

Consider the question of how Smith and the three Declarations (Declaration of Independence, Declaration of the Rights of Man and Declaration of the Rights of Woman) and their authors differ or are similar. Which best describes the world as you know it? Why?

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Adam Smith
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Adam Smith
Consider the question of how Smith and the three Declarations (Declaration of Independence, Declaration of the Rights of Man and Declaration of the Rights of Woman) and their authors differ or are similar. Which best describes the world as you know it? Why?
Smith is considered the ‘Father of Economics’ and this is because of his exploits in the field of economics (The Economist, 2013). In his works, he laid the foundation for today’s economists on many fronts. However, looking closely at his work, one cannot be faulted to suggest that there are similarities in his works and those of the likes of Thomas Jefferson (Declaration of Independence), Olympe de Gouges (Declaration of the Rights of Woman), and the French National Constituent Assembly (Declaration of the Rights of Man). All these people had a view of the world but having experienced the different changes in the world, it is clear that some of their beliefs of the world can be considered obsolete. While Smith’s theories of the world were built and founded on economics, the other author’s views were centered on the rights and freedom of mankind. Jefferson felt the need to let all people know that their rights mattered and that there are limitations to what a governing body can do or command from its people. Olympe de Gouges, on the other hand, is highly credited for what she did for women in France. During her time, women were considered inferior and de Gouges was concerned that Declaration of the Rights of Man did not apply to women. Her exploits led to her death but her ideals remained in the hearts of many. The Declaration of the Rights of Man was a document that helped to highlight what was considered a man’s rights in the society. Buoyed by Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence, the French also decided to develop their own document. Looking back, while Smith’s ideals and the three declarations were conceived as a result of different circumstances and understanding of the world, they do have certain similarities which will be discussed further.
One of the similarities between the works of Smith and these other authors is their belief in the notion that there should be no restrictions on the freedom of a person (man or woman). Smith, for example, believed in the idea of a free economy one where government interference is limited. This means that people in such an economy, would be free to do as they please but within the confines of their freedom. In Jefferson’s account, he wrote that “We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” (Jefferson, 1776). To Jefferson, every person has certain rights which should not be infringed in any way. This means that even the government should not intervene as long as a person is working within the confines of these rights.
In the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Declaration of the Right of Woman, the idea is also the same. However, on the latter, the focus was solely on the women who at the time were not considered as equals to men in France. But in both, the idea was to ensure that people operate without restrictions or limitations even from those who are considered...
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