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M2A1: How Do We Match Up? Social Sciences Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

M2A1: How Do We Match Up?

Image of a collage of a woman's different expressions

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is a highly regarded and extremely accurate predictor of personality types. I would like you to read more about personality types and the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator Test (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Then, I'd like you to take this test based on the Myers-Briggs typology (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Next, read about your specific personality type, as well as the careers suitable for someone with your personality type and other famous people who share this personality type.

What did you learn about yourself and your personality? How does what you learned relate to the concepts and vocabulary we studied during this module? How can you use what you have learned during this module to help encourage the more positive elements of your personality and to soften some of the less productive tendencies you may have? Please write a well-organized, APA-formatted essay of 1000 words or more on the subject.

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M2A1: How Do We Match Up?
Student’s Name
M2A1: How Do We Match Up?
What I learned about myself and my personality
From my Myer-Briggs Type indicator assessment, I discovered that I am an ENFJ which is an acronym that stands for Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging. ENFJ highlights a person that is energized in spending time with other people, that concentrate on concepts and ideas compared to details and facts, makes decisions based on values and feelings (Myers, & Myers, 2010). Additionally, ENFJ‘s are referred to as Teacher personalities due to their interest in assisting others in developing and becoming the best versions of themselves.
I have also learned that I typically make decisions through the use of subjective values and also base my life in a highly organized manner. I also discovered that I am highly passionate and sometimes to a fault. I discovered that I am tolerant of other people as I recognized that I am highly sympathetic to the plight of other people even when their opinions may contradict my personal beliefs. In this personality type, most individuals normally admit they do not have all the answers and are most receptive to dissent as long as it is constructive. People with such personality types are also reliable and charismatic (Kroeger, & Thuesen, 2013).
Most ENFJ types instinctively comprehend the best way o capture an audience as they pick up on motivation and moods in a manner that enables them to communicate with emotion, reason and also restraint in all situations (Jankowski, 2016). This discovery has been highly enlightening since I understood how I typically shift my mannerisms that mirror the needs of the audience while still maintaining my own voice during important discussions.
I also learned that I can become highly idealistic and sometimes selfless. From the assessment of this personality, most people typically are caught off guard as they discover that through nature or during simple misunderstandings, other individuals normally fight their principles however good their intentions they may be. ENFJ’s typically bury themselves in hopeful promises as they feel the problems of other people as their own and when not careful, such individuals can become too invested and sometimes, even left without the ability to assist anyone (Myers, & Myers, 2010). When it comes to friendships, most protagonists are normally passive but they usually place huge efforts into maintaining important connections with people in their lives.
How what I learned relates to the concepts and vocabulary studied during this module
From my understanding, the Myer-Briggs Type indicator emphasizes the importance of naturally occurring differences based on the assumption that every person has a specific preference in the manner that they construe their experiences. These preferences underlie the interests, values, needs, and motivations of a person (Myers, & Myers, 2010). To function efficiently as a society, all personality types including ENFJ types are necessary. From my comprehension, the whole point is to decipher and understand the specific personality type a person is and not what type they may aspire to become.
In this module, I learned that ENFJ’s are usually more reserved in exposing themselves compared to other extraverted types. Although these individuals have strong beliefs, they usually refrain from expressing them if doing so would prevent them from bringing out the best in other people (Kroeger, & Thuesen, 2013). Since their strongest interests lie in being a catalyst for change in their individuals, ENFJ’s interact with others on their own level without revealing their true intentions, and not as individuals.
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