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Program and Curriculum Planning Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Program and Curriculum Planning

The word “program” in early childhood education refers to “the planning of the curriculum, which also includes the instructional practices, the daily schedule, the routines for caring for children, and the recreational activities, such as outdoor play” (Gadikowski, 2013, section 4.1). Early childhood administrators are the instructional leaders of their schools and oversee the planning of curriculum. For this assignment, you will choose a particular age group (infants, toddlers, or preschoolers) and outline a program that is developmentally appropriate.

Please review the following website for an example of an early childhood program: Primrose School at East Lake (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

In your paper:

Explain how the role of the administrator is different from that of the teacher in program and curriculum planning.

Describe the learning and developmental needs of your chosen age group.

Analyze how your program will address the cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development of children in this age group (give specific curricular ideas for each area of development) as well as classroom management and the daily schedule.

Explain how your program aligns with the philosophy, vision, and mission statements you created in Week 1.

Discuss how your program aligns with NAEYC’s indicators of effective curriculum, as outlined in Chapter 4 and found in the article, “Where We Stand on Curriculum, Assessment, and Program EvaluationPreview the document.”

Describe an Implementation Plan to Provide Teachers Information for the Program Using the Selected Curriculum of your choice.

The paper should be five to six pages in length, in addition to the title page and the reference page. Use at least one scholarly source in addition to your text and the NAEYC article. Your paper should also be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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Program and Curriculum Planning for Preschoolers
Institutional Affiliation
Program and Curriculum Planning for Preschoolers
Program and curriculum planning form an essential part of the early childhood education (ECE). It comprises of instructional practices, daily schedule, routines for caring for children, as well as creating room for recreational activities such as outdoor games (Gadikowski, 2013). Early childhood development is an essential step in learning and development because it prepares children for handling tasks and participating in social activities as they age. To help children develop and adapt to the environment, schools develop or use premade curriculums. This paper distinguishes the role of the administrator from that of the teacher, describes learning and developmental needs of preschoolers, and analyzes how the curriculum program for preschoolers address the cognitive, social, emotional, and physical well being of children. The paper also goes a step further to explain how the program aligns with my philosophy, vision, and mission, and how the program aligns with the NAEYC’S indicators of an effective curriculum. It is expected that the description of curriculum planning described in this paper would help tutors and other people dealing with preschoolers understand how they can create the best environment for children in early childhood education programs.
Any learning environment for preschoolers consists of administrators and teachers. While it is true that both administrators and teachers play a crucial role in the early childhood education, their roles cannot be interchanged. Administrators are involved in the day to day running of the school. They are the instructional leaders of their schools and have a responsibility of ensuring that daily operations in schools run smoothly (Gadikowski, 2013). Administrators schedule, plan, set rules and regulations, and make sure that teachers are following and adhering to set standards required by the ministry of education. Administrators have the responsibility of ensuring safety environment for schools, create an inviting atmosphere, and set and provide budgets for all staff at the schools. This is a unique responsibility different from that of teachers.
Unlike administrators, teachers are tasked with interacting directly with children. The interaction can be in class or outdoor environment such as in the field. The role of teachers in the ECE is, therefore unique. Teachers make sure that the classroom environment is safe and secure for the age-bracket of children they are handling. Every state in the United States has a specific age for the specific classroom with established standards of teaching and learning. Teachers are required to be flexible in their responsibilities because they deal with children with varying needs. In the course of their duties, teachers are in a position to identify children with special needs and take corrective measures to make sure that every child receives maximum care and attention. They plan activities for students and are readily available to help and instruct children. They are also tasked with fostering programs that encourage freedom and creativity in children. This may include ensuring interacting with children in the field and providing required materials such as toys. Additionally, teachers are tasked with setting evaluation standards, assessing performance, and recording the progress of their children. They also organize parent-teacher conferences to inform parents of the development the children are making because teachers are the ones that spend much time with children.
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) classifies children at the age of three to five years as preschoolers. According to NAEYC (n.d.), preschoolers have unique learning and developmental needs that require close monitoring of teachers. Children in this age bracket want to interact and learn from adults. It is, therefore, essential for the teacher to be readily available to provide a sense of composure and security for the child. Preschoolers are also at the stage where they are involved in hands-on activities. This creates room for questioning and exploring. They want to be assured that everything is well and okay. Teachers are direct partners to provide them with answers and teach them new skills. In this age, the child would want to sing, dance, learn the names of animals, and practice things that they have seen adults doing. It is, therefore, essential for ...
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