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Social Work - Working with individuals and families Social Essay

Essay Instructions:

Social Work - Working with individuals and families


Please help me to assign a writer with the social work assignment.

The questions and helpful materials are in the uploaded files.

Please help me with QUESTION TWO.

The textbook is:

Direct Practice in Social Work. By Scott Boyle (Author), Larry Smith (Author), O. William Farley (Author), Grafton Hull (Author), Jannah Mather (Author).

Please use the uploaded helpful materials provided by the teacher to help you with the questions.

Thank You.


Case Study


The family comprises Mr Ivan Yeo, 49, and his Vietnamese wife, Ms Chau, 28, who is

on long term social visit pass. They have 3 girls aged 3, 2, and 1. The couple stays in a

three-room Housing and Developmental Board (HDB) flat owned by Mr Yeo and his

mother, Mdm Yeo, aged 63, a homemaker. Mr Yeo’s father has severe dementia and has

been placed in a nursing home for about 6 months now. The family was able to place him

there for a monthly charge of $150 with the assistance of Ms Lily Neo, a Medical Social

Worker at the Sengkang General Hospital.

Mdm Yeo has diabetes and is on long term medication. She follows up at Sengkang

General Hospital. Mdm Yeo helps to cook and clean for everyone while Ms Chau mainly

takes care of her three children.

Ms Lily Neo has referred the family to you for follow up at the community agency after

new developments in the family amidst COVID-19. Mr Ivan Yeo, who was working as

a retail assistant at a sports apparel store was suddenly laid off. He has registered to

become a GRAB food deliveryman. He will be starting his new job in a week. Though,

Mr Yeo’s monthly take home pay was $2000 at the Sports shop, he only received 50%

of his normal salary for the past four months due to the lockdown. This has resulted in

outstanding arrears of five months with HDB, Singapore Power, and the Service and

Conservancy Charges. Based on Ms Lily Neo’s report, the family has arrears of about

$4000 in total. This has also further aggravated the already tense situation at home.

Mdm Yeo’s relationship with her daughter in law has not been very good since the

couple’s marriage. Indeed, Mdm Yeo was against Mr Ivan Yeo’s decision to marry Ms

Chau. She only grudgingly agreed to the wedding after Mr Ivan Yeo threatened to leave

for Vietnam for good if she objected to his decision. The poor relationship between Ms

Chau and her mother in law has been mainly due to their language barrier. As a Peranakan

Chinese, Mdm Yeo only speaks Malay and a little bit of Hokkien. Ms Chau, however,

can only speak Cantonese and a little bit of English. The young couple and their children

communicate with each other in very simple English. Hence, Mdm Yeo often feels left

out in their conversations.

Mdm Yeo and her daughter in law also seem to have a very different perspective on

parenting. Mdm Yeo feels that Ms Chau does not manage the young children well and

blames her for their mischievous behaviour.


Mr Yeo is often stuck in between his mother and wife whenever an argument erupts. He

copes by either locking himself in his room or walking out of his unit hoping for things

to resolve on their own.

He feels that the situation has worsened now that his mom has not been able to visit his

dad at the nursing home due to the COVID-19 situation. She has become rather lonely

and withdrawn. She also feels very bad that they have all just abandoned the older Mr

Yeo somewhere far away now that he is sick and not able to contribute towards the family

and feels that she too will be treated similarly.

The purpose of the referral is for your agency to look into emergency financial aid, food

rations as well as to help improve the hostile relationship between Mdm Yeo and her

daughter in law.


Answer the following questions based on the case study above.


Question 1 (35 marks)

a) You have been assigned this case. Outline and analyse FIVE (5) needs of the family

that requires your immediate attention and follow up. Use relevant theories to justify your


(20 marks)

b) Explain THREE (3) ways that you would suggest to help the Yeo family overcome

their challenges. Use theories to substantiate your answers.

(15 marks)


Question 2 (25 marks)

Knowledge, Skills & Values are three crucial elements that guide the social work helping

process. Appraise how these THREE (3) components would guide you when working

with the Yeo Family. Explain with clear examples.

(25 marks)


Question 3 (40 marks)

a) Termination, though the last stage of the Planned Change Model is a critical stage in

the problem-solving framework. Demonstrate any FOUR (4) key areas that need to be

discussed in detail with your clients during this stage citing relevant examples to illustrate

your points.

(20 marks)

b) Explain and illustrate how you would use the skill of confrontation when dealing with

a client who keeps going back to drug-taking regardless of his frequent promises to stay


(20 marks)



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Work - Working With Individuals and Families
Social Work - Working With Individuals and Families
Knowledge, Skills & Values are three crucial elements that guide the social work helping
process. Appraise how these THREE (3) components would guide you when working
with the Yeo Family. Explain with clear examples. (25 marks).
Social work is a very sensitive profession that requires comprehensive knowledge about certain issues. When working with families, the social workers must be prepared to handle different emerging issues and address them promptly. The case involving Yeo family is very complex and must be addressed with courtesy. In this regard, having the required knowledge, skills, and values is important to handle the issues effectively and ensure that there are no conflicts arising from the initial objectives. There are certain values that must guide the social workers in handling a case like that of Yeo’s family. Notably, there is a need to understand issues with social justice. This knowledge is important because it prepares the social workers to deal with cases of social abuse and injustices. Clearly, the Yeos family experiences conflicts between the daughter in law and Yeo’s mother. Without proper understanding, cases of abuse may arise. Therefore, the social worker must possess this knowledge in order to prepare the family on the potential consequences if certain issues are never resolved.
Another important value that social workers must possess is understanding the dignity and worth of each person. This is essential because every client must be treated with compassion and courtesy. When addressing the issues wi...
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