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What Jesus Has to Say About Living a Good Life

Essay Instructions:

Instructions: Read the "Sermon on the Mount", Chapters 5, 6, & 7 in the Gospel of Matthew. Use the teachings from the Sermon on the Mount to develop a witness talk/speech that could be given to a large group of high school students on a retreat. The title of your talk is: "What Jesus has to say about living a good life." The talk should be at least 500 words. Using examples from your life or a teenagers life would give you more points. If you quote from the Gospel of Matthew, you must list them with italics in your paper.

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What Jesus Has to Say About Living a Good Life Student`s Name Instructor Institution Date What Jesus Has to Say About Living a Good Life Living a good life from the perspective of a Christian is an imperative concept which was advanced by Jesus throughout his teachings. Most importantly, from the Bible, in the book of Mathew Chapter five through to seven, several lessons can be drawn from the teachings of Jesus Christ. In Mathew 5:13-16, Jesus teaches Christians that they are the salt of the earth, and once the salt has lost its salty taste, then it becomes very useless and can only be thrown away. Accordingly, the teaching goes ahead and state that nobody lights a lamp and places it under a bowl. The light is placed on a stand so that is can shine the whole place with and people can thus share the light that the candle brings. Mathew 5:38-42 also talks about revenge and evil deeds where it quotes an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth and asks Christians to do good for evil cast against them. The Biblical teachings might seem difficult on face value. However, people encounter such actions daily. As high school students, it is imperative to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ to live a good life full of satisfaction and purpose. When the Bible talks about Christian s being the light of the world, it means that every action a person takes, and every word that comes from their mouths, it should be in the glory of God and enable other people to see God through them accordingly, it beseeches Christians and young people like you to behave well so as to influence fellow students to act accordance to the scriptures. During teenage eyes, two critical things happen, the peer pressure to act contrary to a person's desires and the need to do the right things as taught b...
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