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Final Exam: The Human Mystery

Essay Instructions:

FINAL EXAM for THE-3210 The Human Mystery—Theological Anthropology— discovering how we are truly human and how we relate to what is truly divine. BACKGROUND: This picture appears on the cover of The Catechism of the Catholic Church. The final exam is essentially the 4 questions which I have associated with this book since the first day of this course: Here is a close-up of the image, from a 13th century psalter, of Jesus washing the feet of his 12 apostles at his last supper on the night before he was crucified. FINAL EXAM INSTRUCTIONS: consider what is happening in the picture above and then answer the four questions below using approximately 50 words for each question. That is, if possible, please try to limit yourself to a maximum of 200 words total for the entire exam. Once again, thank you for all your good work this semester. Dr. P. FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS: 1) How does this picture relate to what is truly human and what is truly divine and what is truly a mystery? (50 words; +5 pts.) 2) Have you ever washed the feet of another adult human? Would you? Why? (50 words; +5 pts.) 3) Beyond infancy, has any human ever washed your feet? Would you allow this? Why or why not? (50 words; +5 pts.) 4) Assume you believe in a ‘higher power’ called ‘God’ who created the universe, including you. Would you allow God to wash your feet? How would this make you feel? Why? (50 words; +5 pts.) FINAL EXAM POSTING: Please combine all 4 of your answers and post them inside the white block below Question 1 in Blackboard. If you are satisfied with your answers, press the SAVE AND SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page. Please complete this final exam before Midnight on Wednesday, May 15, 2019. SPECIAL NOTATION: All students must take this final exam online. This is not an option. Since this essay-type exam will be available for more than 2½ weeks, the option of taking a “make-up” exam for this course will ordinarily not be permitted without an extremely serious reason.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Final Exam Author Name Institution Affiliation There are five core truths with which the creed of Chalcedon has summarized the biblical teaching on the Incarnation (Jordan, 2016), which are mentioned below. * Jesus acts both as a human and Go. * Jesus’ two natures are perfect, complete or full. * Every nature maintains its distinction. * Christ is a single person. * Things that are true of only one nature are nonetheless true of the Person of Christ. This picture makes it clear that Jesus has to wash the feet of his twelve apostles on the night before he was crucified. On one side, he proved to be an ordinary human as he performed such activities, and on the other side, he emerged as a divine power as he will be remembered by his followers till the end of time. And of course, he can be regarded as a mysterious person because some believe that Jesus will come back to this world someday. ...
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