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Seven Sacraments Instituted By Christ

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topic is holy orders

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Holy orders
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Holy orders
Holy orders refer to sacrament by which bishops, priests and deacons are ordained. This sacrament is meant to give priests and deacon the power and grace to carry their assigned sacred responsibilities. This action follows Jesus work where he ordained apostles at the last super. Therefore, priests are supposed to share Jesus’s priesthood through ordination and holy order sacrament. The rites or ordination mainly occur during mass after the gospel is read. Holy order is among other seven sacraments instituted by Christ and it falls under category of the sacraments of serving the church and the mission of the faithful.
There are five symbols for holy orders. These symbols include; laying of the hands, anointing oil, stole, chalice and paten and a ring. Every symbol carries a different meaning from the other. For instance, the laying of the hands represent spreading the holy spirit through their hands. This is successful when priests and bishop anoint their hands before spreading the Holy Spirit. Anointing oil is a symbol of being ordained because it symbolizes the chosen to become a priest. Anointing oil in holy orders is used by the chosen priest or bishop. Stole in holy orders is worn across priests or bishop’s left shoulder. It is fastened over the right shoulder to highlight the ministry. Chalice and paten are used in holy orders to signify the sacrifice of Christ while the ring represents priests, congregation and bishop’s faithfulness to being a catholic and the church.
Bestowing of holy order occurs during the mass after the gospel is read where candidates are called forward by the priest. Candidates are presented to archbishops for ordination where the priest con...
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