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The Family of Humanity: Analysis of LGBTQ+ Discrimination in Society

Essay Instructions:

Read the article on p. 197 in textbook entitled, "The Family of Humanity". Type a 500 word essay on Prejudice, Discrimination, and how to respond to them - based on the 4 questions at the bottom of the article.

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The Family of Humanity: Analysis of LGBTQ+ Discrimination in Society
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The Family of Humanity
It is observed that there is often unfair treatment regarding certain individuals or social groups in our society. Based on my actual observation in school, in different areas, and in the internet, the most victimized by prejudice and discrimination in our society today are the LGBTQ+ community. They are often bullied and harassed by other people; but, a more hurtful treatment is that they are often being disowned by their own family due to their gender identity. The result of this treatment to LGBTQ+ student's is usually associated with an increased risk of habitual absence in school, increased drop-out rates and lower GPAs. According to the study made by Elipe, Muñoz and Rey (2017), people mistreat the LGBTQ+ community by targeting their physical appearance in general and their behavior in a social setting. Our technological advances also brought an increased occurrence of cyberbullying where the targeted LGBTQ+ usually disconnect themselves from different social networks. Homophobic people sometimes get violent and commit repeated hate crimes by being aggressive towards the LGBTQ+, which sometimes lead to death. These ignorant people often exhibit this kind of behavior towards other people because they are perceived as being different to what the social norms dictate.
I did not experience any form of discrimination, but that doesn’t mean that I lack awareness about its prevalence in our society. I believe that there should be laws that protect the LGBTQ+ community from homophobic violence and degrading treatment. Also, laws should have criminalized people that will engage to discrimination against people base on gender identity and sexual orient...
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