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Why do Bad Thing Happen to Good People?

Essay Instructions:

Five-page paper, only focusing on material after Exodus (although you may use Genesis and Exodus as well.

Why do bad things happen to good people (in Job and other portions of the Bible)

Sources do not need to be sited but information must be from the bible story of Job and stories after Exodus that shows Bad things happening to good people along with an explanation way. Stories can be used from genesis and exodus as well if there are better examples in those stories.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Why do Bad Thing Happen to Good People? Name of Student Institutional Affiliation Course Date Why do Bad Thing Happen to Good People? The above question is asked by religion and the non-religion as well and hardly is there a convincing answer to it. The world can be defined by good and evil and these terms vary in perception. What is evil to one person may not be evil to another, take the case of Hitler executing Jews, he thought he was headed to a good course but this led to the world’s most inhumane acts- the holocaust, that caused the deaths of innocent and children as well. There are acts of nature or acts of God as law calls them such as tsunamis that lead to huge death tolls, all these scenarios beg the question why do bad things happen to good people? The Bible itself has tons of stories of men and women who were considered good but had bad things happen to them, this essay explores this question in the confines of the bible to understand the reasons. From the Bible cases bad things happened to good people for a number of causes, God allowed them to happen, orchestrations of the Satan and human choices or an intertwine or either of these. God is not the author of evil but Ephesians 1:11 does say He works everything in accordance with His Purpose, meaning God does not cause evil but allows it to happen. First God allows bad things to happen to prove and test the righteousness of people, Job is a classic example of this. In the Book of Job chapter 1 and 2, God was proud of Job and I quote, he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil, end of quote, Satan on the other hand told God that Job only loved Him because He had blessed him and put a hedge round him and so to prove Satan otherwise, He allowed Satan to take away all that Job had in Chapter 1 and when his loyalty to God was unwavered Satan was allowed to inflict Job’s body with painful sores and still Job did not curse God. From this example God allowed all these horrible things happen to Job, a man who did no evil so He could prove that indeed Job was a righteous person. The next story is found in Daniel 6, apart from Jesus, Daniel is not mentioned to have had any sin and for this he was at logger heads with the chief ministers and satraps who could not find any fault with him and could only accuse him on the grounds of his commitment to God. They made King Darius proclaim a decree that no other god or human should be worshipped but him knowing that Daniel would not honor this decree and dishonor his God. Daniel did not follow this decree and a man who had no sin was thrown into the den of lions, even though no harm befell him this rather unpleasant experience did not cause Daniel to deny his loyalty to God. Daniel’s assistants also defied such orders in Daniel 3, Shadrach Meshach and Abednego refused to worship an image made by King Nebuchadnezzar and they were thrown into a furnace of fire heated seven times over. They had told the king even though God does not save them, they would not worship the image, God proved their righteousness and they did not burn under the furnace. These stories unearth another reason why God allows bad things to happen, to draw people close to him. The victory of Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and Daniel caused the kings in their times to decree that no other god should be worshipped rather than the God of these people and all nations worshipped God. The life of Paul included imprisonment and beatings because of his zeal to further the gospel and this could not be termed as evil and caused no harm yet we read that his imprisonment did lead to a guard and his family to be converted to Christianity. Persecutions were rendered to good people in the New Testament for preaching the gospel, Stephen (Acts 7:...
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