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The Validity in Aristotle’s Claim that the Supreme Good of Human Activity is Happiness

Essay Instructions:

Please write an introduction, main argument, an objection, and response to the objection and a conclusion. The introduction should explain why the topic is important andstate the position for which you will argue. The main argument section, please be sure to explain what aristotle meant by virtue and why he thought we should be virtuous, rather than following our own desires.
For ex.: Aristotlte theorized that virtue is mean between two extremes. In other words, according to ) aristotle, "Moral qualities are so constituted as to be destroyed by excess and by deficiency" (p.77 Nichomachean Ethics) Please write 1,000 words. Thank You

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Argumentative Essay on Aristotle Virtue
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Argumentative Essay on Aristotle Virtue
Aristotle believes that the origin of virtue is human actions, which tell whether a person is good or evil (Abakare, 2020). He argues in his ethics that the ultimate result of the activities performed by humans is either good or bad (Curzer, 2018). Additionally, Aristotle explains that passion and desire induce people to perform particular actions and achieve certain ends. They determine virtue. Without the desired ends, people can pursue activities unsuccessfully. People desire to attain legitimate ends to be happy in life. Aristotle also contends that human activities dictate the virtues achieved by individuals (Hutchinson, 2015). These actions influence happiness. The significance of this argumentative essay on Aristotle virtue is that it evaluates the validity in Aristotle’s claim that the supreme good of human activity is happiness. The topic also examines the benefits of being good as opposed to being evil. This paper will argue that it is better to be virtues than evil because moral behavior establishes happiness and improves one’s relationship with others.
Aristotle defines virtue as a disposition to behave ethically and as a mean between excess and deficiency (Papouli, 2019). Essentially, he says, the virtue idea is ‘‘all things in moderation.’’ It is a matter of having the correct attitude toward pain and pleasure (Van Zyl, 2018). In this context, Aristotle argued that humans should avoid pain and displeasure, but not expect a life entirely void of them (Abakare, 2020). Striving to live this virtuous moderation life enables people to find happiness and be ethical. Simply put, all virtues lead to happiness. Aristotle maintains that virtues originate from human activities because one’s moral character emanates from different activities (Curzer, 2018). According to Aristotle, all human beings cherish to attain happiness, which is a virtuous act. In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle argues that happiness is achieved only by cultivating the evolving virtues to formulate a complete life (Hutchinson, 2015). He also notes that people should live according to their rational natures and their desire’s satisfaction to attain a virtuous state.
Aristotle further divides virtues into two: moral and intellectual virtues. These virtues are gained through habit or instruction (Papouli, 2019). Moral virtues like courage and temperance are received from habit, while intellectual virtues like wisdom are obtained through learning or instruction (Van Zyl, 2018). Habits are actions that individuals can perform well or poorly. Good habits attract moral virtues. One must practice continuously to increase perfection in a particular activity. This constant practice enables them to learn and experience (Abakare, 2020). A similar scenario applies in moral virtues. In other words, humans become good by practicing good deeds and actions. Likewise, they become bad by doing evil things. Therefore, it is safe to state that the condition of a person’s character depends on practicing good actions that make them and the people around them happy.
In his argument, Aristotle thought humans should be virtuous to have a fulfill...
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